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Gσɾҽαɳ Gɾαρҽ Vιɳҽ - Volume 2

GGV Staff

Published: 30th April 2023 - 1st May 2023

"Did you hear what's being said on the Grape Vine of late!"

Monthly independent publication with content from all around Gor.

Publisher: Amir Boa Nasrallah (ascendedyetagain)

Editor: Itahshy Sturdy (shyntylene.lauria)


Dear Reader,

We extend our gratitude for the overwhelming response to our inaugural edition of the journal. We carefully reviewed each and every letter received, taking into account your valuable feedback. Among the many questions raised, a common query echoed: Where is the news?

In response, we draw upon the wisdom found within the pages of ancient books. As stated, it is evident that news on Gor has historically been subject to delays, incompleteness, haphazard dissemination, distortions, and even outright unavailability. We are acutely aware of these challenges. "News on Gor was often delayed, incomplete, haphazard, distorted, or spurious, even altogether unavailable." (Avengers of Gor)

The information presented within these pages represents what we are able to gather and disseminate, as well as what you, our esteemed readers, contribute for publication. We wholeheartedly encourage you to continue sharing your news, stories, and insights, as your valuable contributions enrich our publication.

We acknowledge that the quest for reliable and up-to-date news is an ongoing endeavor. Rest assured, we remain committed to improving our efforts and delivering the most accurate and engaging content possible. Together, let us continue to build a platform that serves as a reliable source of information for all those seeking to stay informed about the ever-evolving world of Gor.

Once again, we express our sincerest gratitude for your support and encourage you to keep your correspondence flowing.

Remember, Gorean Grape Vine brings you all the tantalizing gossip and news from across Gor. Stay tuned for more shocking revelations and intriguing stories!

Kiosk's currently located in the following locations:

Argentum Brundisium Genesian Port Oasis of Two Scimitars Piedmont Outpost Port Nykus Skol Tarn Ridge Telnus

Turia Venna


More to be added soon!!


Your grapes.



1. Itahshy Sturdy, "Hunjer's Outpost: An Enchanting Retreat"

2. Raime, "Entertainer's Story"

3. The Traveler, "The Tarn Ridge's Saga"

4. Little O, "Domesticated animals"

5. Isabelle Burt, "Dance of the lost love"

6. Varnar the Trader, "The Power of Collaboration"

7. Once a Free Woman, "A Love to Die for" - Chapter 2

8. Making the Labels - Your advertisements.

9. Aurelie Lane, "What is Love?"

10. Marie L, "Welcome to Argentum"

11. Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef, "Of The Mother Green"

12. Lib, "A Day of Misfortune"

13. Shared by Abraham Jacbson, written by Taunus, "Physician"

14. Lady Black, "Tangled Tale Unraveled"

15. Jada of Port Nykus, "An argument for head cover"

16. Lady Hope Lesley Bygone of Green Cliffs, "Northern Memories"

17. Lucas 'The Handsome' Skol'son Skald, "From the Eyes of the Skald" - Chapter 2

18. Gossip Wine - Fresh from every field of Gor


Hunjer's Outpost: An Enchanting Retreat

By Itah Sturdy

I've always had a fondness for traveling, and my recent journey to Hunjer's Outpost was no exception. After packing my essentials and ensuring my escort was prepared, we embarked on a ship bound for the outpost.

Upon arriving at the outpost, I found myself pleasantly surprised by its unique charm. Despite being located on an island in the south, the outpost exuded a distinct Torvaldsland vibe. After confirming the ship's arrangements, we gathered our belongings and began exploring the docks, venturing further inland. The sight that unfolded before me was truly breathtaking.

As we meandered through the outpost, we stumbled upon numerous delightful discoveries—cosy nooks beckoning for relaxation and book-reading, abundant greenery as far as the eye could see. It's the presence of such natural beauty that draws me to a place, making it feel like home. A city devoid of gardens and dominated by stone and pavements is a dreary place, lacking in charm. A true home should reserve at least a quarter, if not half, of its land for greenery, flowers, and trees. Hunjer's Outpost wholeheartedly embraces this concept, offering a haven for all who visit.

Whoever orchestrated the landscaping of the island for the outpost did an impeccable job. The slopes gently guide you to the summit, where a charming camp-site awaits, perfect for those who wish to sleep under the stars. Ample firewood is available for cooking and keeping warm. From this vantage point, one can behold the magnificent panorama of the outpost, easily discerning the desired destinations. I assure you, finding your way back from whence you came is no simple task. At times, I even wondered if a search party would be dispatched to locate me. Yet, it is precisely this sense of exploration that makes the outpost special, for without getting lost, I would have missed out on discovering so many hidden treasures.

Hunjer's Outpost boasts a thriving trade scene, with several stores currently up for sale, eagerly seeking prospective owners. If the allure of establishing your own enterprise doesn't ignite your imagination, I dare say you must be out of your mind.

During my stay, I had the pleasure of sharing a tankard of mead by the fire with Jarl Wolf Blackstorm, the gracious leader of the outpost. His hospitality was unmatched, and I eagerly anticipate meeting his companion on my next visit, perhaps even on subsequent trips. I had a few questions for Jarl Wolf, and in turn, he sought my insights on certain matters. Our exchange proved mutually beneficial.

The outpost's laws are refreshingly simple and clearly displayed upon entry, leaving no room for confusion or misunderstanding.

With its picturesque scenery, expertly crafted wooden structures, well-designed homes and buildings, and majestic ships gracing the Thassa, Hunjer's Outpost is an idyllic haven for those seeking an island retreat. Truly, there is no better place to experience the outpost lifestyle.

As mentioned earlier, there are numerous stores and positions available at Hunjer's Outpost. Why not embark on a journey and spend a few days there, exploring what captures your interest? It's the perfect destination for a rejuvenating getaway.


Entertainer's Story

By the Ramie

In a recent incident in the Gorean universe, a woman was reportedly robbed by two savage panther girls while walking alone in the woods.

According to eyewitnesses, the woman was on her way to a nearby village when she was confronted by the panther girls. They demanded that she hand over all her possessions and threatened her with violence if she refused.

The woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was left shaken and traumatized by the incident. She reported that the panther girls were highly aggressive and intimidating, and she feared for her life during the encounter.

After the panther girls fled the scene, the woman immediately reported the incident to the local authorities. The village chief has since warned all residents to be cautious when travelling alone in the woods and to avoid any potential danger.

The incident has sparked outrage among the people of the village, with many expressing their concern for the safety of those who travel alone. There have also been calls for increased security measures to be put in place to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

Panther girls, also known as panther women, are among the Gorean universe's most feared and dangerous factions. They are known for their agility, strength, and deadly fighting skills and are often hired as assassins or mercenaries.

The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in the woods and the importance of taking precautions when travelling alone. The local authorities have urged anyone who witnesses suspicious behaviour or encounters any danger in the woods to report it immediately to the village chief or local law enforcement.

The woman who was robbed by the panther girls has since received support and sympathy from the people of the village, who have offered their assistance in any way possible. The incident has also raised awareness about the need for increased security measures to protect the safety of all residents in the Gorean universe.


Tarn Ridge's Saga

by The Traveler

In Tarn Ridge city, where mountains stand tall,

Where forests embrace, enchanting one and all,

Above your head, Tarns soar with grace,

Aerial dancers, a celestial chase.

A realm of warriors, valiant and strong,

Their spirits aflame, their hearts a song,

Through battles and trials, they stand as one,

In Tarn Ridge city, their battles won.

A merchant market, bustling and grand,

Trade routes converge from every land,

Exotic treasures, whispers untold,

In Tarn Ridge city, a merchant's stronghold.

The builders caste, skilled in their craft,

Creating marvels, the city's steadfast,

With each stone laid, they weave a tale,

In Tarn Ridge city, their legacy won't fail.

Yet nature strikes with her relentless might,

Damage she inflicts, in the dark of the night,

But fear not, dear citizens, for hope remains,

Rebuild is coming, washing away the pains.

As war ravages lands, unleashing its fury,

In Tarn Ridge city, courage will not bury,

For united they stand, their spirits ablaze,

Faith in a new city, to rise from the haze.

Bigger and greater, it shall ascend,

A testament to their unwavering blend,

Through trials and triumphs, they shall prevail,

In Tarn Ridge city, a glorious tale.

So let the mountains guard, with steadfast might,

And let the forests sing, in whispers of the night,

For in Tarn Ridge city, hope forever thrives,

As its spirit soars, where freedom survives.


Domesticated animals

by Little O

One of the popular animals that can be domesticated is the Sleen. Sleen can be tamed and trained but are truly never fully domesticated. They have 6 legs and have been mentioned in the books as 6 legged lizards with fur. Considered the most perfect hunter in all of Gor. Trained to track runaway slaves and a multitude of other things. Tracking, guarding, home, hunting are just a few of them. Same as the Larl, there are several types of sleen. All mentioned extensively in the ancient books. They can be taught to heel and it is said that the southern man care more for their pet sleens that he does his slave girls.


Second is the Larl. Seven different types are mentioned, I have only see two of the seven. They are not for the faint of heart and although they can be trained, they are never completely domesticated. Carnivores, they maintain their wild blood and if movement is made to quickly around one, you might find that paw lashing out and accidentally removing a hand from it's arm. Handlers walk them on chains, and they can be found in cages, kept as "pets" They are also hunted for their pelts


Monkeys have been tamed and trained, Used for various tasks and entertainment. There is the Guernon, Jit, and Saru. Kept for pets, or entertainment.


I will combine the Tarsk, Bosk and Verr together. As they were domesticated and used for their meat, pelts and milk (less the Tarsk) . The tarsk would be described as a hairy earth pig and larger in sized and attitude. The bosk, similar to the earth cow or buffalo. The verr, would be compared to that of an earth goat. The wagons moved often in order to find new grazing lands for their herds. The Alars and kindered peoples would, from time to time migrate in order to keep their herds fed.


Of all things..... Yes the Urt can be domesticated. There are more varieties of Urts than Larls and Sleen combine. Among other things, they can be used to retrieve anything of value from the sewer systems


The Vart a bat like creature can be trained. They have vart trainers in Tyros and Cos, that are used for various tasks and as weapons during war times. The vart caves of Tyros are famed.


Although gianni seems to be a popular animal , I can only assume that they can be somewhat domesticated. As with any feline in Gor, never truly tamed. i was unable to find much reference about them when i checked the ancient books. I do know they live in the lower branches and are not dangerous to man.


Kaiila, Gors version of the horse and used in a similar manner. Unlike the earth horse, they eat meat. They are extremely agile and can easily outmaneuver the slower high tharlarion. Average height of the Kaiila is about twenty to twenty-two hand at the shoulder. They are capable of covering 600 pasangs in a single day. They have triple eye lids, that are more than likely an adaptation to the environment it came from. Strong winds and dust. The adaptation allows the animal to move at free will and not with its back to the wind.


Tharlarion have many uses and there are just as many types. Racing Tharlarion is a common sport in Gor. Warriors mounts, and the smaller ones that can be used for pulling carts. If you were in search to buy one, any fair might have them for sale.


The domesticated tarn. I think everyone is familiar with this Bird of Gor. Warriors and the like bond with their birds from a young age. Both t he domestic and wild tars are capable of making their own kills. Domesticated tarns are taught from the time they hatch to accept prepared, even preserved meat. A hunting tarn is extremely dangerous. It's favorite kill is tabuk or tarsk, it has been known to attack humans. Tarns are used in the cavalry, and can number into the hundreds.


Dance of the lost Love

by Isabelle Burt

Strolls across the stone flooring on her bare feet sensing the cold stone under her feet as she remembers all that has fallen into the great abyss. Slowly raises her head to look up to the sky at the three moons and all It teaches that it ever had and vanished. Moves her foot into the sand and starts a dance of lost as a tear slides down her cheek in the greatest melancholy.

Stretches into the sand finally feeling the sand between her toes as the past comes back to her. With all her dreams that were taken from her but she drops her knees to the sand. Swing her hips as she is still kneeling before him this day. Carries his heart deep down inside hers. She's an escapist and no one can break her spirit. she will try her best to move on in this dance but she can not live without him.

Luxurious gentle ivory pale arms around her long black raven head as she performs with her hair for a slight ehn. Then swing her head back and forth in an exasperation of an affection of the loss that was taken from this girl. Feeling the deep desolation at the moment. Though she keeps swaying her hips in his name and love that she will always have for him.

Did she disappoint him or let him down. Should she be feeling remorseful but it may be over but her tenderness love will always be there. She stands once more into the sorrowful sand that her tears had fallen upon. Starts swaying her exasperation of the dance swinging around in the passion she ever did before. Still holding all her exasperation inside but letting it out this moment to know he has been the one for her.

He was her inauguration and now is her end. She starts the downfall of the dance she is finishing off in the most dedication she could ever show him if he was still here today in her smooth arms. Swinging hips and small circles as she begins to fall down like a falling warrior that been lost in a battle. Then lifting her raven black head once more from the sand. Shedding her last tears of a man that she cherishes and loved the most.


The Power of Collaboration

by Varnar the Trader

The Gorean Merchant Association is well-known among merchants. They hold their meetings in the Oasis of Two Scimitars, as they did this year. The meeting took place on the first day of the first week of the month of Camerius in the year 10.174. The Ambassador of the Oasis, Trygg Tyran, hosted the meeting as tradition dictates.

Despite the intense heat, the meeting chamber was almost full. Representatives from both large and small locations attended. Among them were Sir Cougar from Olni, Lady Lenoire Decur from Corcyrus, Leonidas Crator from Whispers Island, Jazon Sanada-Nightsong from the Oasis of Two Scimitars, Administrator Henrius Convinus from Thentis, and Sir Khaled representing Kasra, Northern, and Port Ven. Other attendees included the Khan of Isfahan and the head merchant from Sais Village.

Lady Lola and Sir Alga represented the delegation from Rive-de-Bois, accompanied by a group of merchants from the Oasis. Thentis initially declined to join the association but later decided to participate. The charter was amended to accommodate this change. The amendment was made on the 3rd day of the 3rd week of the eighth month, 10,173 Contasta Ar and included provisions for trading companies.

The Gorean Merchant Association aims to promote trade among its member cities. It has four main goals: to keep taxes and tariffs below 5%, to resist any attempts to disrupt trade, to negotiate favorable deals for merchants, and to foster reliable trade relationships.

The association recognizes Thentis' control over black wine beans and makes an exception for their trade. In return, members expect lower prices for the beans and the right to sell them at negotiated prices to local establishments. The association also emphasizes the importance of authenticity certificates.

During the meeting, a discussion about panthers, pirates, and outlaws participating in merchant fairs was postponed for future meetings. The impact of ongoing wars on trade and merchant safety was also discussed. Strategies to ensure merchants' well-being during conflicts were explored. After the discussions, the charter was signed by the attending members. Isfahan, Sais, Rive-de-Bois, and Lydius were unanimously included in the association. With this settled, the first meeting of the year concluded.


A Love to Die for - Chapter 2

By Once a Free Woman

Last time I left off where I met the Man of my dreams. And I vowed to keep his effect on me a secret. For the sake of privacy, I will not use names here. We will call my love interest HIM.

So the days went on. He soon became a Physician in Rorus, and I had to work beside him. All the time trying to ignore these feelings for him. That took a lot of work to do. It was hard to be near him and act as if he meant nothing to me in the world. But he was fast becoming everything to me. At the time, I was so naive, so young, that I failed to pick up on his subtle signs that he was also interested in me. It seemed a courtship neither one of us wanted to admit to.

He was always so kind to me, and he would stand up for me when the others in our Caste would give me a hard time. He was my right hand and my best friend. It was getting so bad that I would make up little food baskets and put them on the front step of his house. Hoping he would never know it was me. He even became my next-door neighbour, and that made things even worst. I could hear him. I would lay awake at night listening to him use his slave, and a deep burning would creep into my belly. A feeling I did not understand, nor at the time did I want to. These things had never been spoken of between my Momma and me. There was no need at the time, for I was too little. So I found myself in torment on my own. Tossing and turning with feelings I could not put a name to.

As time went by, our friendship grew, but my feelings for him got worst. I had to prove to myself that this Man had no power over me. I was the daughter of a great Physician. I had my Caste to think about. I had no time for this. I even went so far as to start speaking to other men, and I distanced myself. I told myself I was happier this way, but in truth, I was miserable.

I found myself alone for the first time in my life. My sister, whom I was very close to, had died in a fire that was set to her home, I suspect by her Companion. I was unhappy and wanted no need to begin my family.

I began to despair. He never approached me for anything outside of our Caste, and I never dared to approach him. So when a handsome blacksmith came into the picture and began to show interest in me, I had no choice but to experiment. The blacksmith and I started talking; some would even say it was courting. I did not. I saw it as a way to once and for all prove to myself that HE did not have any effect on me. Then one night, as the blacksmith walked me to my door, he kissed me. My very first kiss. He pushed me against the door and ravished my mouth. It was not an unpleasant kiss. It was nice, but it was not HIM. And even as my lips pressed against one another, I thought of HIM and wondered what his lips tasted like, felt like. There was no singing of my blood, no thumping of my heart. NO toe popping. Just kissing. I could not see myself with him. I did not want to see myself with the blacksmith. After that night, I no longer wished to experiment. I KNEW. As I had always known, I was hopelessly devoted to HIM. It was time to tell him.

The day was bright and warm. I had chosen my best dress, done my hair just right, and shyly approached him. My heart thumped so hard I could feel it in my throat. My blood sang in my ears. I was not sure if my voice would work. He stood near a tree. In all his glory and wonder, I was so scared. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to let him know or parish. The feelings would surely eat me up inside. He looked like a God standing before me. My knees shook so badly. I had never felt anything so thrilling, so alive as I did at that moment. I opened my mouth, and the words flew before I could stop them. ' I Love you, " I had said. I knew it to be true. I knew without a doubt I loved HIM, and I never regretted telling him. We shared a passionate kiss. One that did not lack any of the passion the kiss with the blacksmith did. My toe even popped.

However, what happened next shattered my world into a million pieces, and my world turned black and cold. He said words I will never forget. ' I am promised to another " I had never been so humiliated in all my life. I did the only thing I could do. I ran. I looked at him, ran to my home, locked the door, and cried for days. Til I came to the conclusion I could not stay there. I could not work next to him each day. I could not watch him with other women and still have all these feelings for him. I did what I thought was right for both of us at the time. I left my beloved Rorus and infirmary and set out to settle in Genesian Port.


Making the Labels

Care for a seal?

Attention, noble people of Gor! Step into the realm of elegance and prestige as we proudly present our extraordinary custom-made seals. Crafted with utmost care and devotion, each seal is a testament to the artistry of the fair women of Telnus city, who personally gather wax from the bountiful flora that graces our surroundings. Rest assured, esteemed customers, you will only be charged for the cost of materials, as per the righteous standards of merchant law. We gladly welcome all your requests in person, ensuring a personalized experience like no other. And for those seeking an even more distinctive touch, we offer the opportunity to order a seal bearing your very own signature. To give you a glimpse of our talented artist's prowess, we proudly display examples of her exquisite work. Embrace the legacy of tradition and make your mark with our extraordinary custom-made seals!

Anything Goes!

Gorean Grape Vine is looking for writers, you can submit your stories, fiction and non-fiction welcome, we want the latest gossip from around Gor, what is happening and where. If you hear it, bring it to us. You can find our mail box in Genesian Port. Once you arrive at the docks, head right as you face the archway leading into the main housing district, head up the stairs by the dress makers and walk along to the Gorean Grape Vine offices. Send a slave to find us and deliver your scroll.


What is Love?

By Aurelie Lane

Love is neither good nor is it bad.

Love can not be bought for it's something you have.

Love is neither warm nor is it cold.

Love cannot die young nor shall it grow old.

Love has no beginning nor an end.

Love cannot be broken but used to mend.

Love is sweet and something tender.

Love is an armor but not your defender.

Love is gentle and ever so kind.

Love can give you peace of mind.

Love can be spread from one to another.

Love shall endure for ever and ever.


Welcome to Argentum

by Marie L

Welcome to one of the Silver Cities of the North! Located West of Ar, the city of Argentum is hailed as the sister city to Tharna and best known for it's silver mines. The arrival to this city will bring you to the docks where you'll likely be greeted by the sounds of merchants selling their freshly caught fish of the day.

If, however, fish doesn't interest you, feel free to stroll down to the market where you'll find a variety of homemade items from freshly churned butter, home made jams, to beautifully designed pieces of pottery.

While you're at it, feel free to wander down a bit further to the Main Square where you'll find a peaceful pool area that is perfect for relaxation or meditating. Not far from there is the kiosk for the Gorean Grape Vine. What better way to spend your day than journaling by such a picturesque part of the city as your backdrop? But maybe you'd rather have a bit more solitude? If that's the case, be sure to venture up to one of the highest points in Argentum.

Of course you can find yourself absolutely lost in this city of silver as the trees seem to glisten with the most beautiful lights gleaming through the trees. And when you're ready to retire for the night, you'll want to make sure you visit the waterfalls for the soothing songs of the water are sure to serenade you


Of The Mother Green

By Chrysoprase Ibn Yusef

White moons clear night

the light summons

spirits rise inside

answering call from moons lights.

Gathered in the dark

around in an open space

the children of mother green

the nimble

cunning cleaver

females of the forest

answer this call and dance.

Often to the nights music

sometimes rarely to pipe or crude drum

they feel the magic of belonging

in Mothers Green

of being in their own way


Yet drawn by white light

from the moons

to answer call inside

dancing with a fervor

a passion hard for any others

to understand.

Such are the females

the panthers of the Mother Green


A Day of Misfortune

by Lib

Once upon a time, I found myself in the infirmary, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of injured warriors. Suddenly, two warriors rushed in, carrying the administrator on a stretcher. The poor man was in a terrible state. He had a concussion, second-degree burns on his torso, a lacerated penis, and a broken leg. I couldn't help but be shocked by his condition and blurted out, "Priest Kings, man! What happened to you?"

He shook his head wearily and replied, "This might just be the worst day of my life. You see, my companion purchased this modern contraption called a shower. It's a device where you stand in a tub, and water rains down on your body for washing. It even has knobs to adjust the water temperature for comfort."

With a sigh, he continued his story. "So there I was, happily lathering up with soap, scrubbing myself clean. Little did I know that my companion's pet gianni was perched on the tub's edge, curiously observing. It noticed my dangling... well, you know. Without warning, it playfully swiped at it with its sharp claws, causing me a sudden shock of pain. Startled, I jumped back and accidentally hit my head on the plumbing. As I slid down into the tub, my back inadvertently turned off the cold water faucet, leaving the scalding hot water pouring over me until I could manage to turn it off. The scream of pain caught the attention of my companion, who rushed in to investigate. After seeing my state, she quickly sent our slave to fetch the warriors and have me carried here to the infirmary."

I nodded, following his misadventure, and realized how the concussions, burns, and laceration had occurred. However, one question still lingered in my mind. "That explains a lot," I said, "but how did you manage to break your leg?"

He looked at me with a pained expression and replied, "When the warriors arrived to transport me here, one of them inquired about what had happened. When I shared my unfortunate tale, they burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Their laughter was so intense that they ended up dropping me down the stairs in their hysterics."

We both shook our heads, acknowledging the series of calamities that had befallen him. "Indeed," I said sympathetically, "that was truly a very bad day."

And so, the administrator's misfortunes became a story passed around the infirmary, reminding us all to beware of playful pets, unexpected plumbing mishaps, and the dangers of laughter in precarious situations.



Shared by Abraham Jacbson,

Written by Taunus

She Had the Eagle's Eye and Heart of Lion

The wounded warrior wanders back at last

His bloody tunic proves the crimson Caste

What ointment, salve, or tonic is required?

A healer skilled or he will be expired

Those nimble fingers weave a suture tight

The flesh will mend so he again may fight

Intrepid is the warrior's fresh recruit

But better still return a seasoned fruit

Those tiny microbes can a warrior fell

More deadly than the crossbow's bolt from hell

Without a healer to prolong his life

A Pyrrhic victory would end in strife

Some scratch, a tiny cut or open sore

Would fell the noble warrior more than gore

The charred flesh smolders sore beneath the brand

A hapless slave girl feels her Master's hand

As white-hot iron burns deep into her skin

She screams in pain - her freedom's at an end

A salve is needed for a girl's distress

Relieve her pain and staunch the tenderness

The skillful healer has a balm of clove

That ancient plant for burns induced of love

And bitter slave wine must a girl endure

The doctor makes her pregnancy demure

That bitter tonic from some forest root

Ensures no pregnant girl at Master's boot

Such knowledge is not easily obtained

The Caste of Green is highly trained

Old Gorean is written for a script

The Scribe is not for medicine equipped

Those white-robed cenobites know only words

They read a Vulo's spleen - that's for the birds!

With careful penmanship prescribe the cure

Her words dictate which tonic to endure

Foul tasting drugs will nonetheless provide

The artful healing of a sick inside

The written line is transformed to relief

The patient soon returns to his belief

Where is that panacea of Hermes?

That can induce a cure of each disease?

Of all the ailments one stands out as worst

Dar-Kosis is not blessed - it's accursed

The green gown hides the healer from his sight

Inside the emerald cover she's so bright

Her ivory skin with radiance blushes hot

Beneath her veil those fiery eyes blink not

No patient can become this doctor's thrall

The rules of healing arts apply to all

No pauper will she turn away from care

The wealthy merchant pays the beggar's share

The Green Caste offers ageless life to each

Theirs is the way eternity to reach

At least it is in some vague earthly way

Where carpe diem means to seize the day

Why live forever if one can't enjoy

Stability from medicine?s alloy

The builder builds and makes his structure firm

Physicians also build - they cure infirm

Their mansions are not carved of wood or stone

Instead they fashion them from flesh and bone

Their temples are the blind who now can see

Or lame who walk with perfect symmetry

The builder's edifice stands in one spot

The healer's monument transcends the lot

Without a healer death would wander wild

None would be safe, not elderly nor child

Those silly cenobites with mystic chants

Would find themselves as worthless sycophants

What sacred chant can drive away disease?

What mystic mantra will foul spirits please?

The peasant finds the healer at the top

The Blessed Caste to him is just a flop

But power stems from money it is sure

The black Caste lurks behind the white robes pure

No subtle slight of hand a doctor shows

Hers is the healing ways she clearly knows

The eagle's eye can spot a cause obscure

The heart of lion can quickly bring a cure

Some symbols flow from ancient manuscript

Expressing life in ways so nondescript

Thus only through the right brain can one feel

The powerful emotions that seem real

There is a joy in saving human life

Albeit once again to create strife

Those learned sorts of medicine aren't scribes

Or entertainers either making vibes

Theirs is a method based on ways exposed

Experiment until the issue's closed

Compound each tonic, ointment, potion pure

With loving care to give the patient cure

And never give a poison vile or bane

But seek instead to lessen earthly pain

About the school are teachers of the art

Of healing, their role is no minor part

They must employ the methods true and true

Before admitting students to Caste Blue

Once giving medicine or just advice

They clear the way to earthly paradise


Tangled Tale Unraveled

by Lady Black

Once in the land of Genesian Port, a woman named Black found herself caught in a web of danger and intrigue. It all started when her acquaintance, Hal, asked her to protect a warrior woman named Solid who wished to join Genesian Port. Black agreed to keep Solid safe in her cell while Hal tended to his own affairs.

During Solid's captivity, Black discovered that she worked for a man named Hanzo in Port Kar. Solid confessed that she was meant to spy on Genesian Port and gain access to the Slave Kennel of the Ubar. Hal, however, had different plans for Solid and brought her to Black for interrogation.

While questioning Solid, a merchant named Zabiba arrived, insisting on speaking with Black. Despite her desire for privacy, Zabiba persisted and left one of his slaves behind to inform him when she was available. Black sent the slave to work in the brothel and focused on Zabiba's relentless pursuit.

Unbeknownst to Black, the slave left behind by Zabiba gathered information about her and her surroundings. Later, Black learned from her friend Did that Zabiba had attacked and killed Solid. Troubled by this revelation, Black suspected that Zabiba had left Solid's body in her cell as a message.

To warn Hal about the killer, Black sent him a message detailing the events and Zabiba's involvement. She also shared the information with Baja, Hal's son and the newly appointed commander. However, due to the busy nature of events and Black's upcoming Companionship with Tormund, she couldn't immediately investigate further.

Time passed, and a woman named Dean, who had a peg leg and an eye patch, arrived at Black's gate. Dean inquired about killers and her employer's interest in co-owning Black's brothel. Black declined the offer, causing Dean to grow desperate. Dean's failed attempts led to severe consequences, including losing a hand as punishment.

Eventually, Dean revealed that Zabiba was Solid's killer and that he forced women to work for him. After a confrontation, Dean escaped, and Black discovered that Zabiba had also arrived in Genesian Port, disguised as a warrior loyal to the High Seat.

While giving birth to her twin girls with the help of Ylva and Tormund, Black encountered Zabiba once again. Zabiba intruded into the room and caused a commotion with Tormund. Ylva planned to press charges against Zabiba for his actions.

Later, Black was attacked in her own home by a masked man named Fury Demonista. Though initially gaining the upper hand, Fury eventually overpowered her and rendered her unconscious. Before being captured, Black managed to unmask Fury and see his face.

Black awoke in a distant land near the Tamber Gulf, brought there by Zabiba, who had hired Fury to capture her. Zabiba demanded that Black sign a contract to share ownership of her brothel and become Genesian's Tatrix, controlling the surrounding home stones. Despite threats and torture, Black adamantly refused to sign.

In a meeting in Genesian Port, Black exposed Zabiba to public humiliation, claiming he was a killer and demanding his arrest to ensure her own survival. Black was taken into custody, stripped, collared, and imprisoned alongside Zabiba in the Ubar's Kennel, under heightened security. William, present during the ordeal, believed Zabiba's lies, leaving Black confined and awaiting an opportunity to reveal the truth.

Undeterred, Black forged ahead, determined to navigate the treacherous world of Genesian Port, confront her enemies, and uncover Zabiba's true motives.

As days passed in the kennel, Black's spirit remained unbroken. She found solace in her friendship with Torvie, who had broken in and escaped. Together, they devised a plan to secure Black's release and expose Zabiba's true nature.

Seizing an opportunity under the cover of darkness, Black escaped, taking Torvie's path back to the Brothel. There, she retrieved crucial documents and sent her Guards and Runner to deliver the evidence to the Emperor of the Pani Isles, seeking justice and support.

Returning to the kennel undetected, Black maintained appearances, pretending as if nothing had happened. She knew her ultimate triumph would come as a surprise to those who doubted her. Little did they know, her actions were setting the stage for a grand revelation.

Meanwhile, Kade, a warrior of Genesian Port, grew concerned when Black showed him the place where she had been held captive. They discovered that Zabiba was not just an ordinary criminal but a member of the dangerous Black Court. Panic spread among the ranks as the truth unraveled.

With the help of Collin, a resourceful ally, Kade realized there were more significant plans at play. They understood that Black's freedom was no simple matter. The complex web of power and deceit was far from untangled.

Just when the situation reached its breaking point, news arrived that Zabiba had taken his own life in jail. His desperation and guilt had led to a tragic end. The shocking turn of events reverberated throughout Genesian Port, leaving lasting consequences.

However, even with Zabiba's demise, Black's path to freedom was not straightforward. Bound by duty and honor, the Magistrate struggled to overlook the fact that a convicted killer had infiltrated the High Caste and deceived them all. Despite speaking the truth, Black found her words overshadowed by William, who shamelessly claimed credit for saving the Ubar and the warriors, using the very sword that had taken Zabiba's life.

Consequently, Black's fate hung in the balance. Instead of the rightful freedom she deserved, she was sentenced to four weeks in a collar. The situation appeared bleak, and doubts about her eventual release lingered. Would justice prevail, or would she remain trapped in a system that failed to recognize her sacrifices and courage?

The answer remained uncertain, yet Black's indomitable spirit burned bright. She clung to the hope that truth would triumph and that one day, her perseverance and integrity would be acknowledged, breaking the chains of her collar and granting her the freedom she so rightfully deserved.


An argument for head cover

By Jada of Port Nykus

Head cover can be a contentious subject among the women of the free. It is a cultural thing, not required in many places but there are places where it is custom for a free woman (primarily of high caste) to be covered as a means of modesty. Most women that I have met in my travels choose not to cover themselves in this fashion. Even among high caste, where it is more common, culturally.

Though I agree being covered mostly from head to toe is somewhat stifling, there are many days I yearn to let my scalp breathe (and yes, that is a thing). However, my father raised me to be modest, it was very important to him. I believe the reasonings behind this were protective and not oppressive (though I might have felt so when I was younger). Even now,though he is far away, I still cover, out of respect for him and the values in which he instilled in me. Word will never reach him that his favorite daughter was seen without head cover!

Let's delve a bit into the reasonings around head cover. The first being protective, a free manwouldn't risk life and limb to capture a woman with whom he had no idea of her beauty. How would he know in advance if she was fetching under the layers of cloth? That's quite a risk with no knowing of the extent of the reward.

The second is, believe it or not, is privilege. I have always been covered, very few have beheld my looks beneath the veils, and so I remain alluring and mysterious. My future companion might take pride in the fact that so few have gazed upon the beauty that will become his companion. I would still be unknown to many but known to him. Living in an area where it is not culturally taboo to not wear the veil means that I choose who gets to see more of me. The answer is (at least for me) no one because it is a privilege I extend to few.

And, like hair styles, I can wear any number of different head covers which have their own styles. Being unique in my own way and still achieving a proper amount of modesty is for me the way I keep things interesting. I am fond of varying fabrics and forms of cover, It is just another way for me to express myself and still remain modest.

There are many shops that sell head cover and so many more that are out of the norm of the typical ones we see so much of. If you cover, make it reflect you, you'll be beautiful regardless.

Disclaimer: This article is based on an opinion and in no way reflects on any place or person outside of the author.


Northern Memories

by Lady Hope Lesley Bygone of Green Cliffs

The lives of us Goreans is vast and seemingly never-ending, our youth and childhood are gone so quickly that often we forget we once were. It is in that mere speck of time, dear reader, that I wish to regale you with the tales of my own youthful years in the frozen north and with hope, those of others.

To sit upon the shores - the docks bustling even as the sun settles into the sea and the blanket of fog that swept down from the hills and mountains tucking itself over the waters that lapped at the moorings and made the great docks groan in protest, was one of my most favorite pastimes as a young girl. There was nothing more thrilling than the anticipation of the longships returning from whatever adventure had carried them from the lands. It was not only I that felt that anticipation, it was in each man that worked at the docks, their preparations done with precision as though a dance well choreographed and played against the background of the sounds of hammers, seabirds, waves and the cacophony of voices that melded into the evening song.

One would wait, eyes cast to the horizon for the tell-tale sails that would be snapped sharply from the northern winds that drove them swiftly through the waters but it was not just the ships that one awaited, but the song of the men upon those ships, the slap of the oars as they drove through the water in unison, bearing the men back home. Those songs would carry the news of their return faster than even the ships could, they marked a great many things and it was that... which one waited for.

Booming voices that would carry across the vast expanse, far before the ships cut through the thick mists, sometimes loud and boisterous, words of victory, pride and conquest and their cadence matched that of the oars dip into the waters; but there were times that the song would be the same as their victory and yet, yet there was less sound to it as though their voices could not rise above the sea and for a long time when I was particularly young, i had thought it was just that the men were exhausted and worn from their journey, it wasn't until I was older that I realized with great sadness and reverence for the men upon the ships that their song did not reverberate with the waves because - there were less men to sing them, it was a mark of loss to hear the volume of their voices softened by the blow of men gone to Valhalla. I never realized too, that when this mark of silenced men was heard upon the shores that the low soft bellowing of the horns to respond to their song was one of mourning from those who awaited them.

Even now I enjoy sitting upon the docks or at the shores, when the mists lay thick upon the waters and wait for the song, for the pulling of oars, the sharp snap of the sails and hope... that the horn does not blow.


From the Eyes of the Skald

by Lucas 'The Handsome' Skol'son Skald

The snirt has melted (if you are unsure what snirt is, please read my first article), the birds are singing, the house roofs are growing grass, and the bonds are running around the lands barefoot and certainly not pregnant. (The men of Skol are far too smart to allow that, plus who would ever know who the father is with the way those bonds are used in the great hall). And the Chieftain and other men have installed a new bathing method in Skol!

The beards of Skol are thick and plentiful as the sun shines down, and the beard oils work their magic, tho still, we know those beards of the free women in Tarn Ridge will give us a run for our coin! How the Ubar of Tarn Ridge manages to get those women folk such good oils is beyond any of us in the North. The angry Tabuk that stalks the village constantly causes mayhem by taking out folk over and over again, sending them to the healer who has magically disappeared. Rumours are she ran back to the forests as her mate was trying to collar her.

The men have had itchy feel to get out and travel. Since they have, the South has been left in pain, particularly the City of Thentis, in which the men of a certain fine Northern Village raided the City in the still of the night, taking their women and other treasures, including eggs, a vulo, black-wine beans, a teacup and... the HOMESTONE of Thentis! Yes, that is right, the home stone of Thentis was captured and stolen by the North!

I'd like to place a small ad on behalf of the Chieftain for all those parties interested. The Homestone of Thentis is up for sale, and you can come to Skol and place your bid with the Chieftain.

The Ubar of Thentis arrived with allies from Vonda. It was like a family reunion for the Chieftain of Skol, a fantastic way for the Ryu's to catch up and partake in beverages, discussing home stones and weapons, as well as going on a treasure hunt with the Chieftain's son and First Axe, all over Skol digging holes and discussing his glorious hair.

The handsome Skald of Skol was captured in Tarn Ridge, brutally stabbed and attacked for no reason but was eventually released with the promise of lumber and to keep his mouth shut while cleaning out the bosk pens of dung for several hands. He, however, was a smart skald and recruited several thralls to do his work while he sat around and gossiped with the First Axe.

The First Shield, who is a strong Southern Rarius of Fina, took on a kur with another axe but was left to do wheelies in the hall in his wheelchair, and several Free women have gone from collar to freedom and back again like they have to go through their undergarments. One bond was even punished by being forced to be a free woman for a whole week by the Chieftain. He is known to be tough and fearful when giving out punishments! Even if he gets bad allergies after his son and his son's bestie decide to sneak into his house and cover him in bushes while he sleeps! Dangerous grounds for those two men!

Please note the First Axe is still looking for his mate Maple who has gone MIA, last seen in Tarn Ridge in the arms of Ozark Hunter, the former Commander. I have enclosed a picture of the First Axe and his mate, Maple. In case you see her, he will pay grandly to have her home safe.

Look out for the next article this handsome Skald writes. I know you are all excited already!


Gossip Wine

- Oh, my dears, have you heard the scandalous whispers swirling around Gor?

- It seems that there's a new commander in the Genesian Port, and the rumor mill is working overtime about the mysterious building at the end of Genesian Road. You won't believe it, but the former builder, the one responsible for those top-secret plans, has been given the boot! Can you imagine? But fear not, my friends, for a new builder has taken their place. Whispers in the air suggest that this unexpected change might signal a dramatic shift for the enigmatic structure. Could it finally receive the long-awaited makeover it deserves? Or, on the contrary, perhaps this marks the beginning of an entirely new chapter, brimming with secrets and surprises. Only time will tell, but one thing's for certain – Genesian Road is about to become the epicenter of intrigue and speculation like never before.

- In the heart of Brundisium, a captivating legal quandary has gripped the city, leaving its inhabitants embroiled in a heated debate: Was the non-citizen rightfully freed, or has justice been compromised? As whispers echo through the streets, the controversial trial of this enigmatic figure has left citizens divided and questioning the very pillars upon which their legal system stands. With impassioned arguments and furrowed brows, the people of Brundisium find themselves wrestling with the delicate balance between truth and fairness, eagerly awaiting the revelation of the ultimate verdict that will either affirm the righteousness of the decision or shatter their trust in the scales of justice.

- Whispers echo through the corridors of rumor, revealing that a raging inferno devoured the very heart of Sais Village, reducing it to nothing but ashes. The devastation was unimaginable, and despair settled upon the hearts of its inhabitants. But fear not, for the Saisian Builders, renowned for their unmatched skill and lightning-fast work, emerged from the shadows of tragedy. With awe-inspiring speed and precision, they reconstructed the village from the ground up, defying the odds and showcasing their extraordinary craftsmanship. Meanwhile, the resilient residents sought refuge in tents at the welcoming embrace of Brundisium, their spirits undeterred by the adversity they faced. And then, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Sais Village stood tall once more, a testament to human tenacity and unwavering determination. A jubilant celebration erupted, illuminating the night sky with vibrant displays of joy and triumph. The tale of Sais Village's resurgence spread far and wide, captivating the imaginations of all who heard it, and inspiring a renewed belief in the power of unity and resilience.

- Meanwhile in Vonda, people are bracing themselves for a series of raids, but amidst the chaos, they are also gearing up for exciting events like dance competitions and, yes, companionships too. Rumor has it that a grand companionship is on the horizon, but here's the intriguing part – nobody knows the exact date! So, everyone is advised to gather up their spears, don their vibrant red attire, and be ready to embark on a journey. In this unpredictable atmosphere, the wine of celebration might be shared at any moment, bringing together individuals from all walks of life. Keep your senses sharp and your spirit high, for the days ahead in Vonda promise adventure, revelry, and the chance to create unforgettable memories.

- While many cities boast art galleries and museums, the true essence of art is said to reside within the gardens of Two Scimitar Oasis. Rumors swirl about these enchanting grounds, where lifelike figures, seemingly alive, grace the maze that winds through the oasis. These sculptures, crafted from various materials and taking on diverse forms, captivate the imagination of all who behold them. However, one must approach with caution, for these extraordinary creations are heavily guarded by fierce warriors hailing from the Tahari region. The combination of artistry and vigilant protection adds an air of mystique to the already captivating allure of Two Scimitar Oasis. Those brave enough to venture into this realm of artistic wonders are sure to be mesmerized by the masterpieces that stir the soul and ignite the senses.

- Imagine, if you will, the bustling city where an administrator, known for their idle ways and thumb-twiddling habits, held a position of authority. They voted in a Ubar to take charge of the administrative affairs. Yes, you heard it right, a Ubar, with all their power and grandeur, now ruling over the administrative realm. Talk about an unexpected turn of events! But wait, there's more to this captivating tale. Just days ago, whispers began to circulate, revealing that a well-known scribe, highly regarded for their eloquent words and keen intellect, was voted in as the new administrator. Oh, the intrigue! Will this scribe bring a fresh perspective to the role, or is there more to this appointment than meets the eye?






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