Published: 1st December 2023
"Did you hear what's being said on the Grape Vine of late!"
Monthly independent publication with content from all around Gor.
Publisher: Amir Boa Nasrallah (ascendedyetagain)
Editor: Itahshy Sturdy (shyntylene.lauria)
Dear Reader,
As the brisk winds of Gor usher in the promise of colder days, we find ourselves wrapped in the comforting embrace of tradition and the warmth of cherished rituals. In these moments, we invite you to join us in the solace of a steaming cup of hot tea or the rich depths of blackwine, accompanied by the company of a captivating read.
In the pages of the Gorean Grape Vine Journal, we celebrate the season of reflection and respite. As the Publisher and Editor, we extend our deepest gratitude to our readers for choosing our journal as your literary companion. Your trust and companionship warm our hearts, and we are honoured to share these moments of tranquillity and intellectual indulgence with you.
May the cold winds outside only serve to enhance the coziness within your abode, as you explore the tales and musings within our pages. Here's to the simple pleasures of life—good literature, warm beverages, and the cherished connection we share as members of this unique community.
Kiosk's currently located in the following locations:
Genesian Port
Gimli Village
Graydon Falls
HeimFjord Village
Isle of Thera
Laurius Exchange Point
Oasis of Two Scimitars
Oasis of Sahkar
Tarn Ridge
The Lost City
More to be added soon!!
Your grapes.
1. Panner McDonnell, "Sonnet of Death"
2. Alone Shadow, "The Story with Quests", Chapter II
3. Varnar the Trader, "Adira's fall"
4. Lucy of Turmus, "About Turmus"
5. Itah Sturdy, "Rambling thoughts of life"
6. Making the Labels - Your advertisements.
7. Leona Wodhas, "A tale" Part II
8. Zoye, "Memoirs of Once a Free Woman" Part I
9. Annie's Mail Box - Your questions posted here!
10. The Traveler, " Crossroads of Genesian Road"
11. Gossip Wine - Fresh from every field of Gor
Sonnet of Death,
by Panner, McDonnell
Hear me, my target! Gaze well upon the blue sky,
And the warmth of bright sun light.
For an assassin has taken coin! You will die,
As darkness begins this night.
Go hide - I will find you. Double your guards right now!
At the sun's last feeble ray,
Their skill will be for naught against a killer's vow;
I will take your life this day.
Can you feel the cold sweat as it dampens your back,
The bile as it burns your gut?
Fear every shadow and noise! Silent, I'll attack,
From behind my knife will cut.
That sharp stab of pain as chill blade pierces your heart,
That moment when all is clear!
As your eyes grow dim, and you feel your soul depart,
Then, victim, you will know fear!
Mercy? You'll find none, pray to your gods if you must,
Your blood will pay your fare - to the Cities of Dust!
The story with Quests
Chapter II
By Alone Shadow
I sigh
"- You talk about a cage ... A joke …"
I grumble on the way home, carrying in a bundle, the remains of the object found. As soon as I find this bloody priest, he will feel my arrows. Not only do I have to find stupid puzzles, but what's more, I do all the work.
I walk, my legs tired and I pick fruit that I swallow, quickly, to regain strength. But the last tests were terrible and I feel the need to rest, to take back my mind too. I find a tree and I climb on it. To rest on the ground, is not prudent. The animals are hungry and I do not want to become their lunch. And humans are also used to capture and kill before asking questions ... a bad habit. Here I am perched on a branch. I close my eyes, to escape a few moments. Before feeling a shock on my arm and an instant pain
"- Ouchhhh. What is happening"
I growl and open my eyes, just to receive a new stone.
"- Who dares?"
I prepare my bow and arrow before I see the priest, smiling, in the clearing, just below me.
"- So little, do you intend to rest for a long time? This is not how you will help the world to feel better. You better get off this tree, before falling to the ground.
I'm staring at him ..."
"- What do you still want, I found your thing, in this Land. I did what I had to do. It's up to you now to do your job! Make your mantra for the famine to stop!"
He shakes his head.
"- I'll call you back. You are my arms and my legs. I am your head. Without you, I can not do anything and without me, you can not do anything, either. So, stop doing the child and get off this tree."
I let myself slide along the trunk and I stand in front of him.
"- Good! What should I do again? Attack a Kuri with bare hands? Jump from a mountain? Cross an ocean?"
He smiles at me
"- No it is very simple. You must find Svago the beautiful, an island and a city that you will find easily. Svago is a small island out of the way of major trading routes on the wider Thassa. Never much considered by seafarers, who tend to prefer the more direct routes to Cos and Tyros. It is a forgotten little gem, much out of the way of those that roam Gor for profit."
"- And on this island, you will find a person, the person who is watering the travellers. She will guide you in the mazes of the city. Of course, you'll have to dress differently ... or you'll end up in a cage. You must respect the customs of this place. And above all, you must be careful in your actions, in your words. The person who will guide you, will show you your future if you are imprudent. She will also introduce you to people who will ask you questions. You will have to answer to know, you will have to overcome to know, you will have to think to survive."
I sigh.
"- It's no longer a quest, but a suicide that you ask me for. And then, I do not have outfits to go to a city!"
He smiles at me, mocking me, and hands me a bag.
"- You'll find the right clothes in there. You'll change before getting off the boat. Come on, go for it now! Do not wait for Gor anymore!"

Adira's Fall
by Varnar the Trader
Once upon a time on Gor, in the heart of a lively port that had hushed into a peculiar stillness, Black, a captivating free woman, strolled back with a tankard of the finest black wine. The port, usually buzzing with activity, now lay quiet as a whispering ghost town. Black, disappointed by the absence of the merchant woman who typically provided her coveted black wine, suspected the woman might be hiding, perhaps fearing a dust speck of flour on her silken dress or the familiar collar that Black wielded with quiet authority. As Black made her way to the brothel, her call echoed through the air, reaching the ears of Adria, an enchanting slave who stood there, caught in her thoughts. Having just faced frustration in a dice game, Adria acknowledged Black's presence with a subtle nod but chose to stay silent. Thor, the vigilant guard, overheard the mention of Adria's name and hurriedly reported to Black, scratching his helmet in nervous anticipation.
Black, sensing Thor's unease, sought an explanation. The guard, almost salivating at the sight of the slave, handed over Black's medical bag. Black sent a slave on an errand and pressed an empty tankard against her chest, a playful task in the mysterious laws of the port. Turning her attention to Adria, Black inquired about the situation. Adria, with a touch of vulnerability, confessed to visiting her family and falling prey to a playful trick involving breeding wine, leading to the unexpected wearing of a chastity belt. She admitted her lapse in judgment and anxiously awaited Black's verdict. Black, known for her poise and calculated demeanour, listened to Adria's tale. She then asked about Adria's suggestion for punishment. Adria, anticipating the weight of the moment, playfully suggested a temporary change in her name. Black agreed, and Adria revealed her true name—Mania.
Acknowledging Mania's lapse and with a sly smile, Black decided on a whimsical punishment. She instructed Mania to embark on a playful quest—strip, find her collar, and assume a captivating pose on all fours. Mania, infused with a mixture of remorse and anticipation, gracefully obeyed. Black secured the collar, symbolizing a momentary surrender to playful servitude. The atmosphere, filled with enigmatic charm, hinted at the intricate dance of submission and control in the fascinating world of Gor.
With a subtle gesture, Black handed Mania a cup of a special elixir, and she willingly indulged. The chastity belt, once a symbol of constraint, was playfully unlocked, offering Mania a moment of relief. However, her newfound freedom came with a delightful twist—she was to enchant the brothel's clientele, becoming the muse of their desires.
The essence of the tale lies in these words: If you cherish your freedom, refrain from entering places that compromise it. Guard the secrets of your vulnerability, and if you choose submission, recognize that such a choice can be made freely, unfettered by judgment. Freedom remains yours to relinquish, dear Free Women!
About Turmus
by Lucy of Turmus
Strange, wandering Turmus, a bother
Every bush and stone,
Even trees don’t see another
Each is alone
Full of friends had been these lands
When my life was still keen
Now as the fog ascends
No one is still too be seen.
Truly, there is no wise man
Unfamiliar with darkness
Which quiet and inescapably ban
And separate even the very best.
Strange, wandering Turmus on my own
To live is to wonder
No one knows the other
Everyone is alone.

Rambling Thoughts of Life
by Itah Sturdy
Time ago, when I wore a collar, we were on holiday in Victoria, it started as a holiday, and didn't end as one. All the same, I was asked to read a lot of paperwork on companionships and turn then write something out and turn it over to my then owner. There was an awful lot to read, and it took a few days to get through the scrolls I had been handed. More scrolls than I ever thought was necessary.
Often now, I sit and think back to the scrolls, and what life was like then, so free and easy being a slave. A slave is often more free than a Free Woman in her own home. What I remember most though, was not wanting to go through a Southern Companionship, the idea of it was simply awful. I say that now for back then, I was a kajira, and I was far more free than what was written on a lot of contracts.
A lot has changed since then, and as I travel, I seen men and women trying to gain the attention of one another, and the other party is completely oblivious. Yet, when it comes to myself, I am the oblivious one, I wouldn't know if a man was interested if he stood there and told me directly. I never seem to manage to pay full attention.
That's what brings me to the next part. I have no clue how to tell anything. If a man invites you to join him for lunch, and then stands you up, what is he expecting when you next see him? A slap in the face? An acceptance of his apology and to rearrange the day at time? Then what is done, do you stand him up in return? Do you slap him with a wet fish?
It's really all too much to think about. I then think back to how things have changed even more. I always swore that I would only Companion a man that actually loves me, that doesn't want me for any other reason. I am not financial gain, my parents are deceased, there's no Wagon loaded with the treasure of my ancestors. Political gain? There's no of that either. There is no gain, so it would have been a perfect idea.
My first companionship was certainly my last, because I know no man is ever going to give me what I want, so it makes sense that I need not have to worry about one looking toward me. It is quite the relief, life moves on.
I at least thought that anyway, I was quite wrong, but the idea of going out and looking for a man. I do not have the time for that, there's too much to do, too much travelling to get done, watching over the slaves when one of the travels with me. I enjoy the cooking of the meals for the family, the little pastries they eat. I'm more than certain that it is the slaves that eat those pastries, at least they are not wasted.
Companionship, children, these are things I have resigned myself to not having, I think I'm going to grow old, become that elderly woman that lives on the outskirts of a city, the one everyone avoids because she's gone mad. I can dream of these things, there's never too much harm from a dream.
Who would even want to companion either, a lot of the time it lacks love, it's about money, political gain, having heirs to make sure things are taken care of in the future. time goes on, the children age, then the political gain and money travels down to choosing them the right companion.
If all else fails with the daughter, or the daughter-in-law, throw a collar round their neck and they're no longer a problem, you own what was theirs and there's nothing that they or their family can do about it unless there's something within the contract.
My sons have passed on to the city of dust, my parents as well, and their parents, and theirs, and so on as time goes back through the histories of Gor. Here I am now, unknown siblings spread out around the lands, I hope some are still within Ar. I hope they're happy. I know not of those siblings, I was born and raised on the Plains of Turia, many many decades after my mother left Ar with my father. I should say the Sardar Fair.
What is left is very little now, I have been taught a new way to love that does not require matters of the heart. It seems it is a good way as well, to not attach yourself to any one person. This is where I am now, working for the Gorean Grape Vine, and keeping House for my Guardian. Travelling, shopping, and oh so many books to sit and read at my leisure.
Making the Labels - Your advertisements.
🚫 WARNING: Grapevine Gorean Admins Would Like You to Know...
🤣 Attention fellow Goreans! Before you get all serious and believe everything you read below, just remember, the administration of the Gorean Grape Vine cannot be held responsible for the credibility of the ads posted. Trust at your own risk! Rumour has it, there might be some Panthans selling tarn saddles that double as teleportation devices! 🤷♂️🍇
🏛️ Rena in Genesian Post, the adventure hub of the Gorean world, is in need of an apprentice to join the quest for the perfect quill and the legendary inkwell! If you can navigate the perilous realms of ink stains and survive the treacherous paper cuts, apply in person. Bonus points if you can tell a good joke in Gorean – laughter is the best potion!
🏝️ Embark on the adventure of a lifetime as Telnus seeks lively souls to join its council, ruling over one of the grand ports of the Cosian islands! 🚢 The hunt for the best bodies is on, and the chosen few will find themselves at the helm of Gorean greatness where wine flows into Thassa like a river of dreams. 🌊 If you possess the charisma and leadership skills fit for council material, Telnus beckons you to seize this opportunity and make a splash in the heart of Gorean intrigue. 🍷 Answer the call, set sail for Telnus, and let your presence shape the destiny of one of the most vibrant ports in the Cosian archipelago! ⚓ Don't just dream; make waves in the Gorean world! 🔥
🌟 Kharzul Longfall, the wizard of wonders in Thorhall, unveils a rare treasure from the depths – pristine whale oil for all your magical and cosmetic needs! Dive into the enchanting world of Kharzul's emporium and discover the secret elixir coveted by healers and beauty sorcerers alike. Limited stock, so swim, crawl, or fly to Thorhall before this mystical whale oil vanishes like a sea breeze!
🎉 Single free men wanted for companionship contracts with three exceptional young women of good nature. Visit the Oasis of Sahkar, inquire with Ahlam, and start your extraordinary journey this year. You don't have to look or smell good. Have some gold!
🥁 Lady Firefly - a respectable magistrate - seeks a reliable escort to travel around Gor. She values security and discretion. If you're a trustworthy and honourable man, inquire within and join Lady Firefly in ensuring a safe and serene environment. Coin hunters are expected in the Lost City
🏰 Attention Gorean enthusiasts! Gorean Grape Vine is on the hunt for creative minds, news wizards, fashion gurus, and poets of se'var! If your quill dances as skillfully as your imagination, join our grape-ful team for a journey through the vineyards of Gor like never before!
A Tale
Part I
by Leona Wodhas
The man had only for desire,
To live by his toil,
By cultivating his fields,
He had only for weapon,
A large tapered blade,
Hanging on a wooden handle.
Being, old, blew and breathed with difficulty,
Killing crazy grass and ears of wheat,
With a gesture he had from his father,
Father who had succumbed by doing these same gestures,
And all his ancestors.
The steps weighed down by the years,
Showed the lassitude of the human,
And his abandonment.
He will not be able to show his son,
His love of his job,
Neither his love that he could have given him.
His son, having wished not to exist,
His wife, having wished not to love him,
So he had only his land,
And his great slender blade, his only conquest,
Hanging on a wooden handle.
That one love lay next to him,
Because the man did not breathe
He had just joined his ancestors.
Kissing the earth,
Land where he was born and where he had just disappeared,
Unknown memories of others.
Memoirs of Once a Free Woman
Part I
By Zoye
It was a quiet ceremony in a quiet enough village. Ariy was about as odd as his name was pronounced, 'AirEEEE' found a screech from most tongues who had spoken it. He was a hulking Torvald with some ties to the south and I was apparently a good match said my Father for the man and his family. Our contract and continued cooperation would ensure that both families and the village itself will flourish for many years to come. Health, coin and all that duty and honour stuff. While Ariy seemed a kind sort of man, his sheer size and relative demeanour had given me pause. I was a slight of a woman, tending gentle chores on the farm and helping neighbours in my free time. My slave Vi was as much a virgin as I.
No one had told either of us what to expect and so I was very surprised when he escorted us into his home. There was a slave girl kneeling on a mat in the corner. The fires were almost uncomfortably hot and I realized then I had been fanning at my face and gripping Vi's hand uncomfortably. She squeaked and looked up to me with those eyes, sweet blue platters as innocent as my own. When she squeezed back however I found a bit of calm in her presence and I had not noticed my new companion moving himself and some post with a thick base to the center of the seating area. His slave Runa I had known about. She would tend the household and assist me in whatever pleased me for the most part. I think she was just smiling with a bit of a smirk. I was told both girls would sleep chained near the foot of our shared bed when he was home. Why they couldn't do these things with a few hands to prepare for what came next was beyond me and seemingly Vi as well.
I didn't speak up about it, perhaps I had misunderstood and it would upset him. "Airy" I spoke adrift into the warmth of the space and turned to him with a slight dip of chin. Tugging Vi along we had both shuffled to where he had stood beside that post and with a few blinks I had looked up to him, tilting my head in confusion. "Airy, I think I misunderstood something. Perhaps you could clear it up for me? I thought our first night we were expected to be alone and the slaves sent off, my sister said .. " I trailed off when he had a beaming smile curled, teeth showing and laughter bellowing in response. "Forgive me" I said quietly. He cut me off quite easily with a thick and meaty hand pressed in front of my mouth.
As I stood there dumbfounded he had tugged Vi's wrist, ripping her hand out of my anxious grip. I moved towards the kitchen area when Runa moved to Airy's side, seeming to aid him with my slave girl. Quietly I poured myself a goblet of wine and lifted my veils for a sip. On occasion I would peek back, particularly when I heard uncomfortable shrieks recognized as Vi's. She had been stripped of the fine white tunic I had dressed her in for the ceremony. Earlier she looked so lively, dancing around with her friends and now she had been tied to this post structure. Runa had handled some knots as my new companion held her exactly in the placement he had desired. Wrists pale with clammy hands were bound well above her head. He had done something, or Runa had with the ropes so that her thighs were splayed wide and the whole of her body was on display. Vi sat on the ground, sobbing and I looked down to my own hands. They were sweaty and I almost dropped my drink. Instead I gulped it back so quickly that I choked.
Annie's Mail Box - Your questions posted here!
My friends and I have to ask how it is that a man can go around screwing with women's minds and bodies and no one seems to be upset with him? Why don't they cut off some of his bits and bobs?
- Confused Young Ladies
Dear Ladies,
Tell your mothers they have done a poor job educating you. Perhaps they will send you to my academy one day. For a fee I can ensure that if your mind and/or body is 'screwed' with that you are doing it wrong.
Annie please advise!
Why do men think that slave girls long to look up men's tunics?
- Curious kajirae
I'd suggest you speak to a man but I realize that my simple explanation will have to do: You have two purposes. Please and be obedient. Get your head up and under immediately lest they assume it was -you- that wrote in to ask this silly question.
- Annie
P.S. It's because they're mostly self cantered idiots
Dear Annie,
Why do high caste FW have to wear veils, but its acceptable for lower caste FW to go without one?
- K
It is only a stupid woman of any caste to be in the company of men without a veil. That or they are horribly disfigured. Even a homely girl can be considered a slave with the right turn of cheek! Advise your friends and smarten up!
- Annie xo
Why is the Captain of the Guard in Tharna a woman who is allowed to run around half naked at all times?
- Lady H
Dear Lady,
I must confess I have not ever been to, nor plan to find myself within the walls of Tharna. My guess would be that it's Tatrix has gone mad and it is only a matter of time before she is enslaved or impaled.
Have a lovely day!
Crossroads of Genesian Road
By The Traveler
In the hushed echoes of time, the tales of Brundisium linger like a haunting melody, a mournful symphony that resonates across the vast expanse of Gor. We all bear witness to the great storms that, with an insatiable hunger, devoured the once proud city, leaving naught but the remnants of shattered home stones and broken dreams. For many, the loss was an indelible scar, a tragedy etched upon the heart, forcing them to seek refuge in the comforting embrace of the Genesian port or the quiet solace of the villages that once adorned Brundi's outskirts.
The desolation, a relentless tide, drove some to wander far and wide, seeking to escape the haunting memories of a city once bathed in happiness. Each footstep carried the weight of nostalgia, as they ventured beyond the horizon, leaving behind the ruins of a once vibrant metropolis.
And now, as the winds of time settle, a yellow-clad delegation from Genesia emerged, like beacons of hope amid the wreckage. With meticulous determination, stone by stone, they erased the poignant remnants of Brundisium from the desolate shores. Trees bowed to the craftsmen's prowess, offering themselves as sacrificial pillars for the reconstruction that unfolded before our eyes.
In the brief span since the storms' fury subsided, the Gorean road now weaves through a transformed landscape. The scars of devastation have given way to the birth of new homes, elegant bridges that span across life's tumultuous currents, and vast fields of golden grains that whisper promises of resilience. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to rebuild, to reclaim the land from the clutches of despair.
Whispers in the wind speak of bosk and verr grazing in these lands, a silent testimony to the harmonious coexistence with nature that has been forged anew. Rumours swirl like dust motes in the sunlight, hinting at the possibility of a new garrison rising from the ashes, a silent guardian watching over this reborn. The secrets of the future, however, remain locked within the hearts of the builders, veiled in the enigma of time.
Yet, amid the uncertainties that shroud the destiny of this resurgent land, one certainty stands unwavering—the swiftness of the Genesian builders. They, the architects of rejuvenation, invite all to traverse the Gorean crossroads and witness the beauty that has emerged from the depths of devastation. The call echoes through the winds, inviting wanderers and seekers to explore new lands, where every step is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unyielding determination to rebuild from the ashes of loss.
Gossip Wine "Oh, my dears, have you heard the scandalous whispers swirling around Gor?"
- Hear ye, hear ye! The bustling streets of the mysterious lost city are ablaze with the scintillating rumour that Lady Firefly, the enchanting belle of Gor, finds herself entangled in a delightful web of romantic intrigue! Two dashing suitors have emerged from the shadows, each vying for the privilege to court the elusive lady. Whispers in the market suggest that these gallant gentlemen are tripping over their own feet in their attempts to win her favour. Yet, Lady Firefly, with a regal poise that could rival even the mightiest tarn, remains steadfast in her refusal to succumb to their advances. Will the duelling beaus manage to capture the heart of this enigmatic lady, or is Lady Firefly destined to dance through the city lights, a beacon of unattainable allure? The Gorean Journal holds its breath as the romantic saga unfolds! 💖
- Prepare to set your tarns aflutter, dear readers, for the winds of daring adventure sweep across the vast Gorean skies! The notorious pirate, Harry, whose name has echoed through the ports from the very port Kar, has set sail on a new and unexpected course. Whispers from the bustling taverns to the tranquil markets tell of Captain Harry's latest escapade—he's swapped his cutlass for the noble tarnsman's lance! Yes, you heard it right! The once-feared marauder has taken on the mantle of a gallant tarnsman, leading a daring expedition into the heart of the unknown in search of clandestine knowledge and hidden treasures. Rumor has it that he navigates the clouds with the grace of a soaring tarn, and his crew now speaks of him not only as a swashbuckling pirate but as a visionary leader on a quest for enlightenment. Will Captain Harry unveil the secrets of the skies, or is this merely the beginning of a tale that will echo through the annals of Gorean lore? Set your sights high, for Captain Harry's journey promises to be nothing short of thrilling! 🏴☠️
- Whispers tell of a most intriguing social visit in Turmus that has set tongues wagging in the bustling city-state. It is said that the alluring Genesian Port graced the local scene with their presence just last month, sparking a delightful concoction of curiosity and speculation among the citizens. The air is thick with anticipation as Gorean gossips wonder if this encounter brought harmonious connections or stirred the pot of clandestine conflicts. Will the social fabric of Turmus weave a tale of unity, or are there clandestine dramas unfolding behind the silk curtains of high society? Only time will reveal the secrets lingering in the shadows of this mysterious rendezvous. Keep your ears perked, dear readers, for the next edition of the Gorean Journal promises to unveil the truth behind this enchanting visit!
- Hushed murmurs echo of a tale of intrigue centered around the normally tranquil city of Venna. Contrary to its serene facade, gossip swirls that Venna is more than just a bore—it seems the city is harboring a watery secret. A wind of a clandestine report from a concerned builder, who anxiously reveals that the city's picturesque lake is slowly losing water year after year. But wait, there's more to this aquatic drama! The worrisome builder fears an unsettling increase in sediment, foretelling a murky future for Venna's beloved water source. Will this once-peaceful city face a watery crisis, or can Venna rise from the depths of gossip with a solution to keep its waters clear and its residents talking? Stay tuned, dear readers, as the Gorean Journal unravels the mysteries beneath Venna's placid surface.
- Your trusted source for all things scandalously intriguing, brings you the latest gossip from the exotic Oasis of Sahkar. It appears that this desert haven is in dire need of healers as the lazy daughters of the chief physician have been caught in a web of morning idleness. Whispers of decadent breakfasts enjoyed in the seclusion of their chambers have left the household bustling while the sun is already high above. The city now clamors for physicians who are not only skilled in the healing arts but also possess the uncanny ability to rise with the sun. Will the Oasis find dedicated healers to fill the void left by these sleepy scions, or will the laziness of the chief physician's daughters become the talk of the sand-drenched streets? Stay tuned as the Gorean Grape Vine unravels the unfolding drama beneath the scorching sun of Sahkar!
- In the heart of Thorhall village, a whimsical rumor is spreading like wildfire. After a rogue bosk wreaked havoc, a mysterious stranger draped in verr fur emerged. Whispers claim this enigmatic figure not only calmed the bosk with a secret language but miraculously summoned lost salted fish back to the stalls and orchestrated a dance of harmony among the bees. The village is now aflutter with speculations about the identity and intentions of this bosk whisperer, turning a chaotic event into a charming tale that has the villagers gazing at each bosk with a mix of suspicion and wonder.
- Hushed conversations echo through the sandstone walls of Thentis as whispers abound that an announcement of unprecedented nature is looming. The prestigious Physician of the Year nominations, once reserved for free citizens of distinguished merit, are rumoured to harbour a sensational twist this year. Murmurs suggest that, beyond the customary accolades, a slave, whose healing prowess has become the stuff of legends, will ascend to the coveted title. The anticipation is palpable as the citizens of Thentis eagerly await the official proclamation, with secret nominations encouraged to be discreetly sent c/o Gorean Grape Vine and Verr. The intrigue is now at a fever pitch, and the air in Thentis is charged with the excitement of what could be a ground-breaking moment in the city's history. Gorean Grape Vine denies everything!
- Whispers of a recent tiff in the rustic village of Laurius have woven themselves into the fabric of local lore. According to reports sent by a trader passing through, a curious conflict has arisen between the villagers and the wild panther girls who occasionally grace the outskirts. The source of contention? Something shiny, rumoured to be a mystical artefact or a rare gem that caught the eye of both parties. Tales speak of moonlit skirmishes and clandestine negotiations, as the villagers and panther girls engage in a subtle dance over this captivating treasure. The village now buzzes with speculations about the nature of the shiny object and the secret motives that fuel this peculiar feud, adding a layer of mystique to the daily rhythms of Laurius.
- In the bustling Genesian Port, a tide of excitement swirls as rumours circulate about the imminent arrival of an heir to the Ubar's throne. Amidst the anticipation, an unconventional request echoes through the cobblestone streets
– the Ubara, with a touch of humour, is said to welcome pies as gifts for the upcoming celebration, with a particular emphasis on their non-poisoned nature. Whispers suggest that for those seeking the perfect recipe to win the Ubara's favour, insights can be gleaned from Zoey, a slave rumoured to hail from another city, who possesses the key to the Ubara's favourite pie. The air in Genesian Port crackles with anticipation as citizens exchange curious glances, wondering about the culinary intrigues that may unfold in celebration of this joyous occasion.