Published: 1st August 2023
"Did you hear what's being said on the Grape Vine of late!"
Monthly independent publication with content from all around Gor.
Publisher: Amir Boa Nasrallah (ascendedyetagain)
Editor: Itahshy Sturdy (shyntylene.lauria)
Dear Reader,
We come bearing both somber news and a glimmer of hope for the future. It is with heavy hearts that we announce the loss of several authors from our journal. Their absence is felt deeply within our literary community. It is said that they have embarked on a pilgrimage to the Sardar mountains, a journey that holds both spiritual significance and great risk. The ancient teachings of Gor encourage every Gorean to undertake this adventure, knowing that for some, it may become a one-way passage. Our thoughts and well wishes go out to these brave souls, and we fervently hope for their safe return, enriched with new stories and experiences to share.
Amidst this period of mourning, we find ourselves seeking fresh talent to fill the void left by our departed colleagues. If you possess the gift of creative writing, if your heart beats with a passion for storytelling, if you have something remarkable to contribute to the world of Gor, we invite you to step forward. Whether you are a poet, a bearer of captivating gossip, or a merchant eager to promote your business, we eagerly await your contributions. Bring forth your words, ideas, and tales, and let them grace the pages of our publication, the Gorean Grape Vine.
As we bid farewell to some of our cherished authors, let us warmly welcome new talents with thunderous applause! Among this fresh, vibrant blood, a name well known to all, Sir Panner McDonnell of Olni, formerly of Callera, graces our pages with his poetry. We are immensely proud to publish his works, but let it be known that each and every author we have holds a special place in our hearts! Every voice adds its unique melody to the symphony of our journal, and we treasure the diversity of our writers.
In addition to this call for new voices, we are delighted to announce the expansion of our volume collection. As our journal continues to grow, we have established a dedicated storage space within our main office in Genesian Port. This archival treasure trove holds the earlier posts and writings that have captivated our readers over time. We extend an open invitation to all who wish to delve into our past publications and explore the rich tapestry of stories, insights, and knowledge that reside within our archives.
We cherish your unwavering support and encourage you to join us on this ongoing journey of literary discovery. Together, let us honor the memory of our lost authors while embracing the boundless potential that lies ahead. The Gorean Grape eagerly awaits your presence and contributions, as we continue to celebrate the power of words and the vibrant spirit of creativity within the world of Gor.
Kiosk's currently located in the following locations:
Genesian Port
Imperial Ar III
Laurius Exchange Point
Oasis of Two Scimitars
Port Nykus
Scanctuary's Rest
Tarn Ridge
More to be added soon!!
Your grapes.
1. Panner McDonnell, "Glimpses of Gor; A study in the Beauty of Our World"
2. Varnar the Trader, "Mystery of Venna" Part II
3. The Traveler, "Prosperity and Plans: A Report from the Head Merchant of Oasis of Two Scimitars"
4. Little Big O, "Fishing Peen"
5. Lady Astarta Malverick, "Festivities of Turmus"
6. Making the Labels - Your advertisements.
7. Giani, "Thassa, the Sea"
8. Marlenus of Ar, "Imperial Ar"
9. Zoey Tenacious, "Words & Wine" Crossword Contest!
10. Lady Drunk Bufferfly, "Here is to Blind Dates!"
11. Annie's Mail Box - Your questions posted here!
12. The Lady, "Secret Desires" Chapter I
13. Gossip Wine - Fresh from every field of Gor
Glimpses of Gor; A study in the Beauty of Our World
by Panner McDonnell
The shades of blue on shimmering water, the scent of salty air,
The endless hues of reflected light, bright beyond all compare.
Feet slapping on a round ship's deck as the crew unloads its wares,
The delicate step of High born women, paying their first class fares.
The merchants cry out their goods for sale as they stand in their stalls,
While red clad warriors keep their watch, on top of the city walls.
The fountain bubbles forth cool water, to refresh the passers by,
As damp clothes wave in the gentle breeze, hung on a line to dry.
A stocky wood carrier slowly plods, hauling his load with care,
To the blacksmith's charcoaling fire, where thick smoke fills the air.
Still more smoke, scented of food being cooked on the tavern's grill,
As a poet writes and holds out his bowl, for his third refill.
A kettle slave stirs the pot of stew that hangs from the hearth's hook,
As the First Girl stands near the fire, observing with a stern look.
At a table a paga slave has a hand on a master's leg,
And pours him a bowl with the other, from a small paga keg.
A sullen line of bound panthers being marched to the slaver's square,
Where a blacksmith waits to adorn them with a new line of neckwear.
Each an actor on a stage; rise a thousand curtains or more.
Each a scene of our colorful play - our home, our wonderful Gor.
Mystery of Venna, part II
by Varnar the Trader
In the world of intrigue and power, she was known simply as "Dark." As the morning sun kissed the horizon, she gracefully rolled out of bed, her mind still lingering on her recent journey to the deep south. The memories of Oha, the physical needs, and the allure of the unknown filled her thoughts. She felt rejuvenated, ready to take on the challenges of a new day.
Heading to the Bath, Dark was pleasantly surprised to find it already prepared by the diligent kajirae. The water's temperature was perfect, not too hot to scorch her, a testament to their dedication. She slipped into the soothing embrace of the bath, relishing the moment of tranquillity.
With precision, she washed away the night's remnants, using oils of sakura and luxurious soaps that she was accustomed to. Her robes of concealment, carefully crafted, were donned with assistance, shrouding her in an air of mystery once again. The new day beckoned, and she had plans to set into motion.
Dark's thoughts drifted to Rurik, a figure from their previous encounter. Perhaps he needed a lesson in her lab, a reminder to avoid getting into trouble too often. She adorned herself with expensive Sakura perfume, knowing the intoxicating effect it had on men. She was ready to captivate and seize the day.
Meanwhile, Hagen Styrmir, the formidable commander of Venna, inspected the cells and read the incident report from the night before. His destination was clear, but fate had other plans. He found himself drawn to the Marlenus Hotel, where he noticed a dark figure in one of the rooms.
"Greetings, Lady," he uttered, curiosity piqued by her presence. Dark was engrossed in ordering her meal and the infamous Black wine, a brew of unparalleled value. Before she could call for a slave, Hagen approached, his keen golden orbs hidden behind his veils.
Acknowledging him with a nod, she asked coyly, "Have the Admin finally ruled on the captive man's fate?" Hagen shook his head, revealing the incident at the Tower where the captive had managed to escape.
A shiver ran down Dark's spine as she faced the possibility of an escape. She couldn't help but show her agitation, trying to maintain her composure. She inquired about the details, but the news left her visibly disturbed. In a moment of silence, she absent-mindedly smoothed out her gown, made of exquisite fabric from the Pani Highlands.
The word "escape" struck her like a bolt of lightning, and she confronted Hagen with a fierceness that silenced the world around them. Her annoyance grew, but she kept her poise as she expressed her dissatisfaction with the security breach.
While Hagen tried to maintain his cool, Dark made her stand clear. She didn't mince words, offering her advice on how to handle the failing guards. Her disdain for incompetence was evident, and she challenged him to improve the situation.
After the tense encounter, the kajira approached, summoning Hagen away on another urgent matter. As he prepared to leave, Dark couldn't resist a parting taunt. She revealed her regal status and plans for her fleet to sail soon, leaving Hagen taken aback by the revelation.
His eyes traced her form, admiring the expensive fabric that adorned her figure. He bid her safe travels, and she reciprocated the farewell with a subtle smirk. Before he departed, Dark offered her assistance in dealing with jailed criminals, emphasizing the importance of swift punishment.
As he walked away, she couldn't help but chuckle, knowing her words had left an impact. Dark, a woman of many secrets, revealed in the knowledge that there was more to her than met the eye. The world of power and politics was her domain, and she navigated it with skill and finesse.
In the land of intrigue and power, Dark's tale continued, her secrets and schemes ever unfolding like a thrilling novel, leaving those around her both captivated and intrigued.
Prosperity and Plans: A Report from the Head Merchant of Oasis of Two Scimitars
by the Traveler
I had a productive conversation with Brittle Fhang, our esteemed coin merchant and city banker. The good news is that city merchants' profits are thriving, and taxes from import and export sales are strong. To ensure smooth handling of Caste funds, we will be working closely with Brittle. He's almost finished preparing the new City Budget and plans to meet with Caste Heads for specific Caste information.
In light of the emergency repairs and the materials being used by builders, the Merchants Caste will donate some resupplying efforts. We've received a generous supply donation for emergencies from an unnamed source. Arrangements for transporting supplies are already in place, with one of our citizens' Tahari city serving as a stopover before reaching us. This not only supports the emergency situation but also streamlines goods transportation for our merchants and tradesmen.
To better understand each merchant's trade, I've sent out forms to gather information about their products, whether they make or resell them, where they reside, and the location of their shops. Additionally, I propose the idea of holding a Merchants Day monthly. On this special day, all merchants will have small booths or stands to showcase their goods. I believe this will give our back section merchants and tradesmen a chance to shine, potentially attracting more interest from visitors.
To address various issues, I'll be calling for a meeting with all merchants and tradesmen:
We'll discuss the STA with Trygg, who has valuable insights.
We'll plan the upcoming Merchants Day.
We'll seek input on how to handle potential conflicts among GMA members and its impact on merchants' safety.
We'll explore the possibility of Panthers attending Merchant Fairs.
We'll decide on a suitable date for our own fair.
I'll engage in trade treaty discussions with the Head Merchants of Turmus and Isfahan and discuss their interest in joining the GMA.
I'll personally visit current GMA members to discuss direct trade agreements.
I hope to form a core group of merchants interested in accompanying me on trade trips to enhance our standing throughout Gor.
A semi-permanent core group of merchants will meet regularly to discuss important matters.
In summary, the Merchant Caste is flourishing, and this success translates into higher income and profits for the city. As we continue to grow, we aim to become the center of trade for the Tahari and, eventually, the entire Gor.
If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to join me at the Merchants Hall after the meeting and branding. Together, we'll make our city shine brighter than ever before, truly becoming the jewel of the Tahari.
Fishing Peen
By Little Big O
Once a long time ago when I lived in Flaviun Falls and belonged to the slave house there. I had been deprived of clothing for some very minor thing that I did. I don't actually remember what it was, but those people were always taking my clothes. It was warm, and during the summer, so it didn't really matter to me. I'm sure others were not as pleased seeing me walk around naked though.
I was with a couple of my friends and we decided to go fishing. They enjoyed fishing a lot there, too. It was me, a guy named Cal and another blond slave, but I forget his name. He was fairly new to the city. Standing out in the middle of the river there. Water rushing past our legs, splashing against the rocks that were further down from us.
The blond headed slave was on the shore collecting worms to put on the hooks. I don't touch worms. So I flicked my line up towards him to get another worm and was standing waiting for him to wrap it around the hook, when suddenly a huge fish jumped from the water pretty close to where i was standing. Not sure if mentioned that I hate to fish. I ran up to the shore, and at the same time the blond slave had finished with the worm, and dropped it into the water.
I believe it was the same fish that came swimming around my legs, and I started to freak out a little bit. The water was pretty shallow, so I moved a little further away, to get away from the fish. It followed me! I ended up screaming because it seemed to be targeted on what I thought were my feet.
I couldn't have been more wrong and in the blink of an eye, the fish had clamped down on what could have been mistaken for a worm, but was my penis.
It took both my friends to get me to the shore when they tried to get the fish off. Pulling and tugging, while I screamed bloody murder. They ended up taking me to the slaver where he had to literally cut open the mouth of the fish to get me free.
The moral of my story..... Never fish with an over sized worm.

Festivities of Turmus
by Lady Astarta Malverick
Gossips and whispers have been swirling around Gor, and this time, it's all about Turmus making a grand appearance on the Gorean map once again. A bustling merchant fair and a remarkable opening took place in the past month, drawing crowds from near and far. If you haven't visited the docks yet, you might still find a head of cabbage left behind as a reminder of the festivities.
Now, let's delve into the captivating events that unfolded during the celebration. From a lavish grand feast that left guests in awe to a nail-biting pie-eating contest that left some with full bellies and others with laughter, Turmus offered a diverse range of activities to satisfy every palate.
For those seeking excitement, the fishing tournament allowed skilled anglers to showcase their prowess in reeling in the biggest catch. Meanwhile, the dance show brought forth mesmerizing performances that enchanted all who were fortunate enough to witness the enchanting movements.
But the thrill didn't stop there! The Kaiila races set the heart racing as swift and majestic beasts raced to claim victory. For those more daring, bosk riding became a thrilling display of bravery and skill.
And let's not forget the intriguing events that catered to the warriors of Gor and those who proudly wore the collar. From combat competitions to thrilling challenges, Turmus proved to be an exceptional gathering for both fighters and slaves alike.
So, how long did these incredible festivities last? The rumor mill has it that some are still indulging in the merriment, refusing to let the joyous atmosphere fade away. Turmus has surely left a lasting impression, and many are eagerly looking forward to more adventures in the coming months.
As the days pass, more secrets and surprises may be revealed in the city, and we can't wait to uncover them all! Stay tuned for the next edition, as we bring you more thrilling tales from the enchanting city of Turmus.
Making the Labels - Your advertisements.
WANTED: Chocolatier is needed to service the Isle of Cos. Residence provided for the right candidate. Skills required beyond tempering and basic handiwork must include a flair for the creative and the ability to produce goods in all shapes and sizes. Seek out the slave Addy in Telnus to express interest.
The Genesian Port Bakery is calling!
Take some time to enjoy a relaxing afternoon on the shore. Enjoy the sounds of the waves lapping, citizens company and be made to feel welcomed. The Bakery, where honest and hardworking free people meet to enjoy pastries and tea.
SEEKING FREE COMPANION: Responsible Lady of High Standing is seeking the right match. I am obedient, loyal and docile. If interested, please reply to SFC care of the Gorean Grape Vine. I will contact you when it's time.
Thassa, the Sea
by Giani
You may have caught wind of the poetry contest held during the vibrant anniversary celebrations of Genesian Port last month. Today, we have the pleasure of sharing one of the victorious poems with you, crafted by a remarkable slave girl from the Ubar's kennels. This poetic creation is said to possess an enchanting essence, where the very soul of the kajira seems to seep through the words. As you read, prepare to be transported to a realm where the vast depths of Thassa ripple with emotions, leaving you immersed in its mesmerizing and... slutty embrace.
She is sensual and alluring
Intoxicating, some would say
Her soothing song always calling
Swells beckoning night and day.
Once you have seen her body
Swirling green, mesmerizing
Her scent floating in the air
She's dangerous, yet tantalizing.
Men desire to ride her body
From one port to another
Her warm breath on your skin
That wet kiss like no other.
"Trust me", she whispers
With her arms opened wide
Slide into her wetness
Feel the ebb and flow of her tide.
She is tranquil and hypnotic
Until her mood takes a sudden turn
And without any warning
That glorious body begins to churn
You will try to hold on tight
As she begins to surge towards the skies
Undulating angrily beneath you
The wind swallowing your pitiful cries.
Sinking deeper into her depths
Your last words - why me?
She has calmed and softly whispers
I am Thassa, the sea..
Imperial Ar
by Marlenus of Ar
After the ousting of many Ubars and Ubaras from Ar, and the degradation of the dream of Empire, Marlenus the Second turned his eye to the seat of continental power once again. During a brief visit to Cos, under the guise of his free mercenary company - the Genbataar - Marlenus witnessed the natural enemy of Ar having grown lax in its conquering aggression. It was time to go home.
After crossing Thassa from Cos to Brundisium, the Ubar began his trek with a small retinue of confidants, supporters, and lifelong friends. Over the course of the march, the retinue soon grew to become a caravan, and continued to grow in size as other people heard the call that Marlenus was returning to Ar. Exiled Imperial citizens began to join the caravan as it passed through villages, towns, and cities across the central plains of Gor.
Sitting as administrator of Ar was a descendant of the former corrupt Slaver-turned-Ubar, Cernus. The administrator - Kylus Decius Viktarius - kept his bloodline hidden. The man was easily manipulated by wealthy citizens, such as Merchants and Initiates, and was careless regarding the keeping of the laws. Bribery and corruption was the hallmark of the reign of Kylus. The city was falling into moral squalor and its magistrates had become ultimately powerless to steer the city in the right directions, because the Administrator was supported by so much wealth and political ties that his mercenary regiments had taken to the streets to bully, assault, and rape the population at will.
Secret cadres and Free Companies of honorable citizens had learned of Marlenus' approach. These supporters sent covert messages in advance of the caravan's arrival, informing Marlenus of the situation in Ar. The news was welcomed with anger and passion by all following Marlenus, and the caravan increased pace towards the city. The ground shook with the impact of heavy tharlarion, and the wind blew fiercely with the beating wings of war tarns escorting from above. Any standing on the high bridges and cylinders of Ar could see a massive cloud of dust closing the distance from more than a hundred pasangs away.
Before Marlenus and his retinues and caravan had reached the city, a few Free Companies has banded together to clear the Sun Gate of the city from Kylus' mercenary forces. Steel rang and blood flowed in the streets of Ar in a civil conflict to make way for the return of their Ubar. The fighting was fierce, and the hearts of Arians beat hard and soared with patriotic pride. Within a few ahns, the mercenary forces defending the massive gates were defeated, either slain or sent running to their master holding up in the central cylinder.
Upon reaching Ar, the massive Sun Gate was opened willingly by bloodied and gleeful warriors and patriots who cheered and wept at the sight of Marlenus. The crowds roared and cried for the return of Ar again becoming the seat of power it once was, for the restoration of Ar's past glory. Marlenus met them all with his own tears wetting his beard. Maintaining the momentum and fire in the hearts of those who support him, Marlenus immediately began marching through the streets. Every district they passed through, the air rang with the song of steel, music of honor that caused the people to open their windows and look out and cheer for the liberation from the abusive regime.
Finally, Marlenus arrived at the Central Cylinder with his most trusted swordsmen. Within the city of a cylinder, the grand palace of Ar, the fighting was the most brutal. Shield walls were barricading the halls, and were broken under the might of spears and swords to clear the way for the Ubar. After two Ahn of ascending steps and ramps, traversing polished marbled halls and through service corridors, Marlenus finally arrived at the throne room. Within, he found a vapid and crazed Kylus, descendant of Cernus, who screamed and spittled and slobbered for his mercenaries to end the Ubar. The eyes of Kylus were insane, dilated from wine and kanda, and the man screamed incoherently at the sight of the broad and large bearded Marlenus.
Seeing the state of mind that Kylus was swiftly falling into, his mercenary forces exchanged glances. One of them threw their shield to the ground, cut its straps and broke his spear, signaling surrender. One by one, the rest of the mercenaries followed the first example, all the while Kylus foaming at the mouth for them to take up arms and murder Marlenus and his followers. When the last mercenary cast down his accoutrements and surrendered, Kylus flew into a rage and rushed across the floor of the throne room to attack.
There was a flash of light glinting across the steel of swords, reflected from the bright energy bulbs of the technologically advanced throne room. Steel connected and sang twice. It was a brief encounter. Despite being an accomplished swordsman, Kylus was utterly outmatched by the experienced Ubar. Once Marlenus defended himself with an arc of his steel. Twice Kylus' blade was deflected. Upon a third strike from the corrupt and crazed administrator, Marlenus had had enough of games and slid the tip of his sword past Kylus' defense and pierced the administrator's ribcage underneath his sword arm. The gladius traversed inner organs, slicing through lung and other tissues. Kylus coughed and spat blood across the floor in a gurgling cry that only came out as a croak.
Kylus Decius Viktarius' final breath left him as he slid to the ground, collapsing into a pool of blood that began to spread across the marble floor of the throne room. In the administrator's fall, Marlenus pulled his sword free from his enemy's torso. There was a hushed silence for only a few Ihn. And then, all witnessing the event, save for the surrendered mercenaries, began to cheer and clang their swords and spears against their shields, saluting Marlenus.
The Ubar turned and ascended the dais before resting his stocky frame upon the throne of Ar.
Laying his bloodied steel across his thighs and resting his hands upon the blade, only one phrase was uttered from the man's lips.
"The Empire has returned."
Decrees were sent to call Imperial citizens back to Ar, welcomed with open arms to their beloved city. The time for Ar to rise has once again begun - the political and war-faring might of the city of a thousand cylinders now turns its eyes outwards to quake the world.
To prevent the corruption that has plagued the city of Ar from happening again, the city's government has been redesigned according to word of Marlenus. Now is a time for the people to govern themselves democratically and harmoniously. The city's caste cylinders have been reformed into residential towers, and all political ambitions and congregations are now held in a single location - the Assembly Hall - to ensure open and transparent government witnessed by any who desire.
Words & Wine
by Zoey Tenacious
Today, we present a new form of evening entertainment, tailor-made for those seeking tranquil moments by candlelight with a glass of wine in hand. A word of caution, though - this experience isn't suited for those accompanied by crying babes in the background. So, dear reader, settle in, unwind, and immerse yourself in this captivating activity. Once you feel you have all the answers, seek out the nearest mailbox of Gorean grape wine and drop your answers in. Coin prizes await the winners at the beginning of next month!

"Here is to Blind Dates!" - A Humorous Account of Lady Drunk Bufferfly's Misadventures at the Blind Date Masquerade Ball in Ar.
by Lady Drunk Butterfly
Once upon a time, in the grand city of Ar, Lady Drunk Bufferfly embarked on an adventurous quest to attend the Blind Date Masquerade Ball. Armed with nerves and a desire to remain incognito, she spent weeks crafting the perfect disguise, hoping to avoid any awkward encounters with familiar faces.
But alas, fate had other plans. As she entered the ballroom, she received her designated number and awaited her mysterious match. However, as the "ahns" (that's quite the time unit!) passed, Lady Drunk Bufferfly found herself growing bored, watching others pair up effortlessly while she remained unpaired.
Undeterred, she decided to take matters into her own hands and changed her number, hoping for better luck. Alas, luck seemed to be on vacation, as she still found herself without a compatible partner. To pass the time, she sipped on wine and listened to the drone of conversations around her, which seemed never-ending.
Just when she was ready to throw in the towel, destiny intervened. At the conclusion of a costume contest that resembled a popularity show more than anything, someone with her number finally emerged. Apparently third time is the charm, when it came to her third designated number, relief washed over her, but she couldn't shake off the disappointment that almost pushed her to leave.
Despite the mixed experience, Lady Drunk Bufferfly managed to enjoy delightful conversations with her paired lady. Being a true free woman , she couldn't resist offering suggestions for improvement – fewer numbers and quicker rotations to keep guests from slipping into boredom. She was proper, of course!
Though the event may not have been her cup of tea, she praised the exquisite venue and decorations. The food was divine, and even as a non-drinker of wine, she couldn't resist indulging in wine that brought pleasure that night but paid a price the next day.
With honest spirit, she shared her misadventures, acknowledging that the ball had its highlights. Perhaps with some adjustments, the next Blind Date Masquerade Ball in Ar will be an unforgettable experience for all involved. And here's to Lady Drunk Bufferfly, who faced the blind date chaos with humour and courage!
The end
Annie's Mail Box
1. Dear Annie,
I am a Free Woman who has recently found a home once more in a civilized city than my childhood village. I guess what I want to ask Annie, is it ever appropriate for a man to kiss a woman if they are not companioned? Am I putting myself at risk if I consent?
Rightfully Frightened
Re: Dear Scared Giani,
The only thing to fear is fear itself! At least someone told me that once. If you value your freedom, hold out for companionship. Not that I would advocate for that being ideal. If you like to enjoy taking risks, enjoy the steel that will eventually surround your neck.
2. Annie,
I am unsure if I will read your response but sometimes the paper makes its way to the Northern Forests. I am a Lady of the woods and have found that sometimes my band mates are simply unkind to one another for sport. It really effects the group morale. Is there anything I can do?
One strong woman to another
Re: Dear Tree slut,
You and I are nothing alike. While I pride myself on offering practical advice to citizens of the world, you are hiding in the woods like a coward. Go find a man and submit or better yet, submit to the leader of your band. Your life will be a happier one and you won't need to worry about anything except exactly how pleasing -you- can be.
Don't write to me again. I could barely read your scribbles.
One Annoyed Annie
3. Dear Lady Annie,
I have a unique problem. You see Annie I am a man of certain wealth and power but whenever slaves are around me it seems I and they always end up wet. What can you advise me to save on laundry bills? The lily pads leave a film on my clothing that gives me rashes in the most uncomfortable places.
Re: Dear Sir Wets a lot,
I know who you are. Fear not as I will indeed help you good Sir! I will see your favored wet spot filled with pitch. It will sink to the bottom and so you will only know when your clothes are really dirty. Alternatively you could try acting like a proper gentleman in mixed company. Standing when a Lady arrives would be a welcome change.
Secret Desires - Chapter I
by the Lady
I lazed in our shared bed on my left side. Toes wrinkled up around some out of place blankets while my hands had folded greedily around my book. I was stuck, tethered to the length of the chain when he came up. His thundering footwork marching up the stairs like a herd of kaiiliauk was noticed but as I imagined the game was afoot, I'd little to worry about... just yet. A sweet smile curled over shoulder alongside a nod and wriggle of eyebrows as suggestively I could despite my clear disobedience for what had been expected that day. He had paused outside the door. That much I knew as I could hear his breath heavy and weighted through the lingering scent of a fresh coat of bedroom paint. We had lived together after companioning for three months now and both had really shitty hands at work. News had leaked at mine that one of the company founders was doing not so nice things with some of the dancers and he had recently lost an old friend from scribe school.
All those old memories sprouting up at the oddest of times. Here we were, young and supposedly in love, respectively and still in our honeymoon phase (or so I had assumed) and the personal stress level hit a high neither of us could have expected. When the handle was turned and I caught only the briefest of glances offered I immediately seized. My fingers shook as I gripped the book and then near threw it out of my hands leaving it sent clattered to the floor. That was a look I well knew and one I would be foolish to discount. "Sorry," I claimed clumsily but had twisted myself around and hopped off the bed with a bounce and a smile still. Perhaps we might turn it around still. The chain tugged me back and I'd I had been oh so focused on being pleasing that I did not notice his hand shot out towards me. Thumb and forefinger gripped at my jaw and pressed until they were forced into my cheeks. I had felt the pain but did not react much more than a whimper when I realized I was forced into a fish-lips pout that he knew I hated. A very charming smile had curled on his mouth and that look in his eyes told me that a world of hurt was forthcoming and in short order.
"My sweet little whore" he hissed at me when our eyes locked and his jaw had flexed into a line I hadn't quite seen before. He was still in his work clothes. A suit and tunic of fine blue that cost more then I was paid in a decade likely. Chiseled in all the right places and slightly flabby in others. A god amongst men. I was a slip of a thing with little to pinch at the hips but ample breasts that seemed to constantly crave his touch. My lips twitched as I blinked through his gaze once or twice. I'd felt a bead of saliva at the corner of my mouth. I knew he would say something and with care I crafted the tip of my tongue in a stroke and swallowed it back. There I stood, half crumpled and half standing, leaving him in position to exploit without even realizing it. My failure to tease became apparent when he'd gripped my wrist and pushed into its middle, crushing something that pained me.
A finely polished shoe followed up with a shove to the arch of either foot, leaving me reliant to his hands grip at my cheeks to keep me upright. Just when I thought I might snag a breath my hand was hitting me. Sometimes a loose punch, others a sloppy slap. I whimpered and squeaked, aiming to make sense of what I had fallen into far too quickly and easily. I knew too, deep down in there somewhere that any form of obvious resistance or an aim to toy and tease would be unwelcome. The depths of my soul flickered with excitement we'd not shared for a good month now. It was perhaps both timely and overdue. He held me, near dangled a moment longer then I could bear and then wrapped a strong arm beneath my shoulders and tugged me close into him. It was easy...
Gossip Wine "Oh, my dears, have you heard the scandalous whispers swirling around Gor?"
- Have you heard the riveting tale that has woven its way through the cozy inn of Telnus? It seems there's a woman, her piercing gaze like daggers, who has been discreetly hiring men for a rather peculiar endeavor. But let me caution you, my love, for the requirements are not for the faint of heart. Common sense and the ability to follow instructions are a must, of course, but one must also possess the self-restraint to keep their hands away from the tempting wares on display. And, oh, the whispers suggest that proficiency in reading and writing is a highly coveted attribute. Now, the plot thickens, my darling. It appears that this mysterious woman harbors ambitious aspirations as a slaver, seeking to expand her trade. But here's the curious twist: why does she specifically seek men from the north for this venture? Have you not heard the tales of longhalls and the unbreakable bonds formed within? Indeed, my dear, pleasure-seeking may become a common practice for those who choose to work alongside her. The intrigue is palpable, leaving us all longing to unravel the secrets that lie beneath the surface of this captivating tale.
- Let me share the thrilling tale that has swept through the picturesque town of Venna like a summer breeze. It appears that an audacious escape unfolded, involving a cunning prisoner who inflicted a grievous injury upon one of Venna's own. Fear not, for in the face of danger, gallant Ladies Lulu and Tenka swiftly came to the rescue or were at least nearby. How fortunateVenna has such noble ladies guarding their beloved town! The daring escapee managed to slip away, and rumor has it that he even absconded with a slave girl along his path to freedom. What a remarkable feat! However, worry not, for later sightings revealed the injured man, Kurt, all wrapped in bandages and relying on crutches to navigate his way. The town hums with speculation about the events that unfolded, with whispers floating through every corner. Oh, the drama and suspense that fill the air! We can only hope that justice prevails and that peace befalls Venna once more.
- Rumors have been swirling through the streets of the city of Ar, spreading like wildfire, and this time it's about a new decree from the Ubar. It is said that by order of the Ubar, no one is allowed to take a slave from the pleasure garden to their home without prior consent or a direct command from the Ubar or Regent, with the exception of the esteemed Ladies who have been granted special access to preserve their dignity! Pleasure garden slaves and free woman's dignity! Yes! The decree has caused quite a stir among the men, with some whispering that it's a sign of the times, while others argue that real men should have no qualms about engaging in their desires in public places like the baths, brothel, tavern, or pleasure gardens. However, amidst the heated discussions, there seems to be a subtle jab aimed at the Taurentians, suggesting that if any of the shy Warriors among them exist, they should consider resigning, for real men have no hesitation when it comes to embracing passion openly before others. The decree has sparked various opinions and debates across the city, leaving everyone curious about how it will shape the future dynamics of pleasure and power in the bustling metropolis.
- In the enchanting city of Tarn Ridge, a tantalizing rumor dances through the streets like a flickering flame. The long-lost daughter of the Ubar has made her long-awaited return, captivating hearts and stirring whispers among the citizens. But where is the Ubara, who was said to be with child? Ah, the intrigue deepens! Some say the head physician, absent for a while, might hold the key to the missing babe. Others speculate that the new High Physician bears the burden of responsibility for the newborn. The web of secrets and plots continues to weave, casting an alluring spell over the newly built Tarn Ridge. Gossips aplenty and mysteries abound, making our hearts race with curiosity and excitement in the captivating world of Gor.
- Ah, the winds of gossip carry tales of the Torvei warriors descending upon Brundisium like a tempest! Whispers speak of their wild revelries, leaving some wondering if they set their own villages ablaze in drunken merriment and now seek new adventures beyond their scorched homes. Yet others claim the allure of Brundisium's captivating Kajirae, with their enchanting flirts and heated passions, have drawn the fierce Torvies to these walls. Will they linger in the grand city's embrace, or might Sais Village and Genesian Port be their next destinations? The air is electric with anticipation, and only time will unveil the unfolding saga of the Torvei in this captivating land of Gor.