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Gσɾҽαɳ Gɾαρҽ Vιɳҽ - Volume #6

Itah Sturdy

Published: 1st October 2023

"Did you hear what's being said on the Grape Vine of late!"

Monthly independent publication with content from all around Gor.

Publisher: Amir Boa Nasrallah (ascendedyetagain)

Editor: Itahshy Sturdy (shyntylene.lauria)


Dear Reader,

As the sun sets on another long month in the world of Gor, we reflect on the changes that have taken place. The grand city of Ar has once again closed its gates, joining several other illustrious cities in the annals of history. However, from the ashes of destruction, new settlements have risen, shining brightly like beacons of hope and promise.

In this issue, we are thrilled to introduce a number of exciting new authors who have joined our community, each bringing their unique perspective on life in these burgeoning cities. Their words are sure to captivate and inspire, offering a fresh look at the beauty and wonder that is Gor.

But the changes haven't stopped there! Our beloved Se'Kara has been keeping us busy, preparing for the upcoming Se'Var celebrations. Unfortunately, this means that some of our contests remain unanswered, including the poetry contest for free women. Fear not, for we shall extend the deadline for another month, giving all the talented ladies of Gor a chance to share their creativity with us.

So without further ado, we invite you to delve into the latest edition of our newsletter, filled with stories, poems, and articles that showcase the best of Gor.

Happy reading!

Kiosk's currently located in the following cities:


Genesian Port

Gimli Village

Graydon Falls


Laurius Exchange Point

Oasis of Two Scimitars

Port Nykus


Tarn Ridge




More to be added soon!!


Your grapes.



1. Panther Watcher, "Poppi the Bowmaker"

2. Slutrix Feather, "Gorean Crossroads - Living the Dream"

3. Free Women Challenge, "Behind the Veils"

4. Ask Annie

5. Firefly Doobie, "Temos Successfully Survives Devastating Storm"

6. Lady Sorrow, "Memorial of Lady Katerina Amaranth"

7. Itah Sturdy, "Meeting the Administrator of Graydon Falls"

8. Varnar the Trader, "Who is Lady Black" Part II

9. Alone Shadow feat Secret Snooper, "A Celebration of Gor"

10. Zoye Tenacious, "The Perils of Men without Honour"

11. Bard of the Oasis, "A Toast to Trygg Tyrian"

12. Medical Advice From An Outspoken Physician

13. Gossip Wine - Fresh from every field of Gor


Poppi the Bowmaker

by Panther Watcher

Once upon a time in the quaint tribe of the Shekinah Arani, there lived a skilled bow-maker and shaman named Poppi. She was known throughout the land for her exquisite craftsmanship and her deep love for the art of archery. Poppi's workshop, nestled under the shade of a colossal tree, was filled with the sweet scent of freshly carved wood and the comforting warmth of a crackling hearth.

The Shaman Poppi was not just an ordinary bow-maker; she was a storyteller. Each bow she crafted told a tale of its own, and every arrow was a whisper of history waiting to be written. The tribal sisters believed that her bows had a magical touch, for they always hit their mark, as if guided by the spirits of the forest.

One breezy morning, a messenger arrived at Poppi's workshop. Bearing news of an impending threat that loomed over Port Falworth—a fearsome sleen had taken residence in the nearby lowlands. The sisters were terrified, for the sleen had already bitten a few of their animals, and its destructive path was inching closer to their home.

Shaman Poppi knew she had a vital role to play and she set to work immediately, crafting a special bow imbued with the essence of courage and determination. She named it "Sleen's Bane" and adorned it with intricate carvings of flames and scales, hoping to symbolize the sleen's eventual defeat.

As she worked tirelessly, her sisters gathered around her workshop, watching with awe and anticipation. Poppi's hands danced with grace as she shaped the wood, and her heart was heavy with the weight of their hopes. The bow took form, and Poppi knew it was something extraordinary. She then began crafting a set of arrows, each one blessed by the tribal elder shaman to increase its accuracy and power.

With Sleen's Bane and the enchanted arrows in hand, Poppi stepped out of her workshop, her heart filled with determination. She ventured deep into the forest, where the mystical beings of the woodlands whispered secrets to her, guiding her to the sleen's lair.

Days turned into nights as she trekked through dense undergrowth and climbed treacherous hills. She faced countless challenges, but she never wavered. Her determination was as unyielding as the bows she created. Finally, she reached the sleen's lair, hidden deep within a cave adorned with shimmering crystals.

The sleen, a magnificent creature six legs and scales, loomed menacingly before her. Poppi raised Sleen's Bane, her hands steady and her heart resolute. With a deep breath and a silent prayer, she released the arrow. It sailed through the air, true and unwavering, striking the sleen's heart with a resounding thud.

The sleen let out a deafening roar before collapsing in a pool of blood. It's acidic blood consumed the creature, leaving only bones and a sense of relief for woodland wollow. Poppi had fulfilled her destiny, her bow living up to its name as the Sleen's Bane.

The tribe celebrated her bravery and skill, and tales of her legendary bow-making and the sleen's defeat spread far and wide. Poppi continued to craft her bows, each one imbued with the same dedication and love that had saved her village.

In the end, Poppi's bows not only hit their targets with precision but also carried the spirit of a courageous heart—a testament to the power of determination and the magic that could be found in the hands of a gifted bowmaker. And so, the legend of Poppi the Bow-maker lived on, a symbol of hope, courage, and the artistry of the heart.

You can buy Poppi's bows at Port Falworth and if you wander around enough to find the trade, you can also get a bag, a crate, or a whole shipload of the best Kanda you will ever find in Gor.


Gorean Crossroads - Living the Dream

by Slutrix Feather

In the land of Gor, where the Crossroads meet,

Northern Torvis' rugged terrain at our feet,

Bonds that serve, their fires explore,

In this Gorean realm, the magic we implore.

In the north, where honour and strength prevail,

Through trials and tribulations, we set sail,

In times of war, we find our strength and might,

We forge our paths beneath the three moons light.

Gorean Crossroads, a tapestry of dreams,

Where desires entwine and passion gleams,

From northern peaks to southern skies,

Sailing seas of fantasy, where dreams arise.

Sexy slaves dance in moonlit nights,

In southern cities, under starry lights,

Fishing villages echo tales untold,

A world of wonder, for hearts so bold.

Sailable seas beckon, an adventure anew,

As the players craft tales, both old and true,

Magic woven in each word and deed,

Join the Gorean Crossroads, it's you we need.

Gorean Crossroads, a tapestry of dreams,

Where desires entwine and passion gleams,

From northern peaks to southern skies,

Sailing seas of fantasy, where dreams arise.

Come join the journey, let your spirit take flight,

The Gorean Crossroads, where day turns to night,

With amazing people, our story unfolds,

In this realm of magic, where our legend holds.


Behind the Veils

Free Women Challenge

Physicians of Gor have set out to challenge the Free Women of Gor! Free Women, it's time to show those Physicians what you're made of, step up to the challenge set for you. Join in this months contest and write a poem and show them what you're made of! Follow the theme and tell us what's behind your veil!

- Theme: Behind the Veil


Only Free Women can participate

Write you poem on a scroll and deliver it to Gorean Grape Vine. If you need our address again, please read the Editors note to get the information.


Ask Annie

- Dear Annie,

I am a man of particular power. The problem is that those men beneath me are abusing their powers and terrorizing others. How can I stop this before there is a huge divide between citizens my reputation is completely devoid of value?


Dear Anon,

Get a handle on yourself! Set a decree, demote some men or better yet, let them know if they cannot do their jobs properly you will promote women over them all! (Please do not actually do this though.) If not, a well placed assassination might do wonders for your mystery. Be sure to do the beheading yourself or you will appear as weak as your men have already caused you to be.




- Dear Annie,

I am a free woman that has a burning desire to be used by a man. I do not want my identity known of course, and I also want to appear to be a virgin when i do companion. '

Can you help?

Lady P

Dear Lady P,

Get yourself a thrall and exactly one small vial of blood. Someone in your life will figure out what you need to do with both.

Good luck!



- Dear Annie,

I am writing this on behalf of another slave girl. She is a barbarian and cannot write. She

hears tales of your advice and asks me to ask you if there is some way she can return home someday? She is very sad and often cries about missing her family. What can I tell her?

Worried Friend

Dear Kajira friend,

How kind it is of you to write to me in aim to help your friend. The best thing you can do for her is try to show her the beauty of the world she now lives in, or help her escape to the woods. To put it simply, no, she cannot go back. If she continues to sob, let her owner handle it but do not be surprised if she is put down. Thank you for being a friend.




Temos Successfully Survives Devastating Storm

by Firefly Doobie

Temos had a storm which could have wiped out an entire city. However, due to the sturdy construction of the builder's caste, there wasn't as much damage. I was there to interview their Ubar Dane Rowe. When I got to the gate, I approached a Warrior and told him I was from the Gorean Grape Vine team and was there to interview the Ubar. He didn't let on that he was actually the person I sought an audience with. It was a pleasant surprise to find that Temos' Ubar has a good sense of humour, as he eventually revealed himself to me.

Once he revealed his identity, he graciously granted me time with him. He told me it was a freak storm with high winds levelling the roof of his own home. He told me how the storm completely removed the park and took out quite a few street lamps around the city. There was also significant damage to the roads with debris from the buildings. Ubar Dane also went on to tell me that anything that wasn't correctly secure also took flight. He said the nature of this freak storm was unknown.

There were no casualties from this treacherous storm. Ubar Dane told me that besides the builders, many other citizens and slaves helped during the cleanup. It's commendable to see such team effort in restoring all the damage, which expedited the restoration of all the damage. I also learned from him that the roads were the first to get repaired. Then, a roof was put over the Ubar's home to shelter him from the elements. The park was cleaned up, but something needed to be added as it was still in the planning.

After the Ubar was done telling me all about the storm and its effects, he told me I'd be free to hang around, which I did. I walked all over the city, and one would have never known that there was a treacherous storm just a short time ago in the lovely city of Temos. I'll be sure to go back and visit that city where I was well received.


Memorial of Lady Katerina Amaranth

by Lady Sorrow

Our world lost someone special this month; a very beautiful person was taken from us, and I have to admit, right now, it is hard to put this together for everyone to read. With permission from Cade, it seemed only right that a memorial went out for Lady Kat, that you all get to hear what took place on the 23rd day of this month in Port Nykus.

I will share with you the words spoken by those hearts that she touched. I will do this as best I can. I hope those of you that did not make it to Lady Kat's service will find peace within this.

- Cade Halostar: "I want to thank all of you for coming today. I will first say a few things, then anyone that wishes can speak and share a memory with Kat. We can go clockwise around.

Kat and I had been Companioned for right at 8 and a half years, I believe... We were very close for a long time. We shared so many good times...; she taught me how to be a physician and even managed to get me to civilize some... I met her in Rorus years ago. She was a loyal, trusted friend at first, then it turned into more, and we became Companioned. So many memories with her.

But beyond all that, she was my friend, my real friend... I lost one of my best friends. We talked into the night at times... She helped me through some hard times.., and I was there for her through some of hers. I will greatly miss her. It was a shock to hear she had passed away; I had talked to her the day before. I pray she rests in peace and knows how much she was cared for by not just me but all of you.

Now, anyone else that would like to say something may do so; we can start clockwise. I would say more, but ugh... it's just hard right now."

- Zane Kanze holds his chest, plucking some petals to pass around at the memories and sharing, "Those words help make things ring true."

- Jillian Daniels: "Like Cade, I met Kat in Rorus, and we went to many cities together... she was a good friend, and I will miss her... Rest in peace, Kat..."

- Charly Snowfield: "I met Kat modelling for ... many, many years ago, she was a nice lady."

- Leel Chaffe: "I knew Kat for a very long time in the world of Gor... and just was overall great friend. Her absence... for all of us, will leave a void that we will need to fill with our memories of our times together with her. She was an amazing person and one of my trusted friends in this world. I will miss her dearly."

- Shyntylene Lauria accepts one of the petals. "I met Kat in Svago; my first memory of her was finding a slave sitting on a chair outside the Infirmary by the docks. I was grabbed by the hair and hauled to the slave house. Kat ... she kept checking up on me. All through the time that continued, she was checking on me. I was in hysterics. First time on my knees. In the end, Kat and I were both laughing, and we talked about it often; it started a good friendship. I almost became her kajira that week. Part of me is still curious what that would have been like."

- GabbiSapphire Resident: "Much like Cade and the rest of you, I met Kat 13 Years ago in Rorus... Kat and I were both strong female personalities, so at times, we didn't always see things the same. Fast forward several years, and she had become a dear friend. We travelled together, with Cade as our protector. I was in shock when Cade sent a message to me, and to be honest, I am not sure it has fully sunk in. She will be deeply missed. Fly High, Lady Kat."

- Pahboymin Strathearn: "Of everyone here, I may have known Kat the longest. We met years ago ... and I knew her as Liri before I ever knew her as Kat. Through all those years, she was a sweet, dear, kind friend, both to myself and everyone else around. I was very saddened to hear of her passing. May she rest in peace, living on with us in fond memories."

- Domino Morales: "I am not even sure when I met Kat way back .. but she was always a supportive friend ... I enjoyed her wit and her way of handling things ... her turns ... and as well our private talks ... she had a great impact on me and will be missed ... farewell my dear friend ... we are better humans just to have known you..."

- Zane Kanze: 'I didn't know her as well as many of you here, but I have loved to hear about her; like your words from the notices, she definitely made an impact. From just a brief encounter with this wonderful woman, She took the time to reach out, when most don't, with words like "You rang the bell?" in her cute, funny way... she took the time to see if I was well, made me laugh... she was funny and polite, a little slap happy and pokey with needles I heard?? She still took the time to help those that were not so nice, and the way she asked others about the books was polite and kind with her curious, inquisitive ways, trying to help others, and when they acted up, she made me laugh.

When there was a bad situation, she made it fun and turned it into something light; her diplomatic ways and trying to include others to expand the world and trades, she didn't make drama; she just had fun... " Glad you're feeling better" is some of her last words she left with me, and I feel she'll still be poking us from the clouds and suns to remind us to always "feel better!" Thank you, Port Nykus, for the chance to remember."

- Talldarkan Mysterious: "What words can possibly be said, in any capacity, to truly describe Katerina in the vivid detail she deserves? She was one of the most gracious and kind-hearted women that I knew but also one of the most patient and understanding. Even if she didn't understand you fully or, what you were trying to convey or, where you came from or even what you were really going through, the way that she offered all of her finest qualities in some of your darkest and most difficult moments, made you feel as if you were seen and were understood and were cared about. Katerina was special and made those around her feel special, too... As a writer, Katerina was full of life and fire. She often burned her hottest when she was involved in mischief, not only because it was thrilling and amusing but because it was an opportunity for her to make others laugh and smile. I think, for Katerina, laughter was her true love language. If you ever laughed with her, then you know what it was to be loved by her... We are all going to miss that spark, her laughter, her writing, the always, ALWAYS available shoulder when we had something on our minds and our hearts, but Katerina is a part of all of us, a part of our laughter and our memories of good times and our triumphs we shared with her when she lifted us up when we needed a hand. Kat always had her hand out in offering to others. These are the things I ask you to do in her memory for others: to reach out that hand, to make someone laugh, to be patient and kind. In doing so, you honour her, and you can make a difference in her name."

- BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl: "Well, I knew her as Liri... I loved performing with her because she was incredibly reliable and calm. If she ever panicked... she never showed it. She was very warm and funny, so smart... and talented... and her presence had a calming effect over me. I felt safe with her, and we had many long talks about many things over the years. I knew her as multi-talented, trustworthy, and a friend. I am still in shock over losing her so suddenly and will miss her very much."

- Zachbrig: "I met Liri some years ago... we danced together quite a few times and always had the best time. I was very sad to hear the loss of such a great spirit and wonderful Lady. Fly high, Liri!"

- Smedley: "Kat and I became friends in Rorus as well. Soooo many years ago. There were many highs... and many lows. We worked together for years, many years... She was there for me when there was a breakup. She had a way to be able to be there for multiple people at once, as she was there for the other party involved. She helped out ... even after we parted ways. Always a good experience at the end of the day."

- Atiriya: "I met Mistress in Rorus. I was just released as a slave and became Free. I knew nothing of being a free. She helped me so much, even how to talk as a Free Woman. I will never forget her, although I didn't know her as many of you knew her. I will miss her."

- GabbiSapphire: "Cade, know you will also be in our thoughts as you navigate this. And I think I speak for most everyone here. If you need anything, we are all just a poke away. You have been a dear friend to all of us. Lean on us while you try to process and adapt."

- Cade Halostar smiles, "Thank you."

- Cade Halostar laughs, "I just remembered one funny memory...she always knew somehow when I was actually growling... She would poke me and say, "find your words dear." I think I will hear that forever."

- Jonah Bernard: "Kat and I had some "real" moments of conversation. Bluntness going back and forth and maybe not in the most elegant of ways. Some funny, some not so funny, but tomorrow we could "wake," and it is a good day once again. Her doing things after I told her not to... She doesn't need to listen now, not that ever did. Until we meet again, Lady Katerina."

- Kaiice Bernard smiled softly. "I love how she could always make me laugh. Genuinely laughed and how she was always such a bright light when it was not so bright in the moment. She was an amazing woman, and I am glad I was able to know her even for a short time."

- Jarek SpiritWeaver: "My hope is for everyone here to realize personally just what an impact you make on another's life, and not wait to hear it at a memorial."

- Talldarkan Mysterious: "Candy... she often had the... drugged Candy. I was often not smart enough to not eat it, but whatever gave her pleasure or a laugh, it was worth it."

- Shyntylene Lauria: "You should have all been slaves; she always had a pocket full of toffee for the slaves."

- Cade Halostar chuckles

- Domino Morales: "I fear I would have never gotten a toffee."


Cade Halostar sighed softly, his gaze turning to the pyre, where the lifeless body lay. His heart heavy, he carefully poured the oil, whispering, "Rest easy, Darlin, until we meet again."

Domino Morales approached, the oil weighing heavy in her hand. She poured it slowly as she circled the pyre, saying, "May the light shine for you forever, my dear friend. We will see each other again one day."

Talldarkan Mysterious took the carafe of perfumed oil from the stones near the pyre made of kalana wood. He began to drizzle the oil over the wood, moving to the opposite side of Cade. Afterward, he poured the last of the oil onto Katerina's remains, his old warrior's hand gentle with friendship. "Until we meet again."

Cade Halostar felt Chel's hand on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and made sure everyone stood at a safe distance. He clenched his teeth, then lit the torch and stepped back, unsure of what words to say in this moment.

As the flames began to consume the pyre, wisps of smoke rose into the air. The oil-soaked wood caught fire with a roar, sending a sheet of flames around Katerina's body.

Domino Morales stepped back, feeling the heat on her face, while Zachbrig watched the flames, his eyes following the wisps of smoke as he smiled softly.

Zane Kanze said, "Thank you for being you, Katerina."

Chelan Pearl ran her hand down Cade's arm, gently touching the back of his hand, then stepped back from the heat of the flames. Her eyes remained on him, attentive to his needs.

The green shroud burned in the flames, and someone whispered, "Priest-Kings send you in peace to the Cities of Dust, Lady."

Tears ran down Itahshy's cheeks as she watched the flames of the pyre. Her favourite Physician was embarking on a journey to the City of Dust.

As the flames slowly died down, Jillian Daniels wiped tears from her eyes. She glanced over to Cade and nodded in support.

Jarek SpiritWeaver said, "Toksa Akhe, good lady. May the spirits welcome you home."

Cade Halostar took a deep breath, then poured wine over the coals, ensuring they were all extinguished. A tear slid slowly down his cheek, and he didn't bother to hide it.

As the flames dwindled to embers and ash, Talldarkan Mysterious collected a pitcher of chilled kalana wine. He began to pour the wine onto the smoldering remains, moving slowly around the circle. When the fire was completely extinguished, he carefully sifted through the ashes, placing bone fragments and ash into an urn.

Cade Halostar joined in, gathering the bone and ash, making sure all of Katerina's remains were placed in the urn adorned with her caste colours.

The spirit of Katerina whispered, "Thank you, guys. Be good to each other," as the warm wind blew.

Cade Halostar walked over to Relius, holding the urn in his hands. He extended it to his friend, saying, "She loved to fly, my friend. Take her up one last time, let her soar, and release her ashes over the land she cherished."

Talldarkan Mysterious accepted the urn and tucked it carefully into his tunic. He clasped Cade's shoulder and nodded in assurance. With that, he ascended the stairs behind the pyre, summoning a war tarn. The bird carried Katerina on her final flight over Gor.

Kitten Serpente bowed his head, bidding farewell to the lady's spirit.

Cade Halostar watched as the tarn and Relius disappeared into the sky. He smiled as he whispered, "She loved to fly; it's only fitting."

Talldarkan Mysterious's cry echoed from the skies as he flew over Nykus, carrying Katerina's spirit on her last journey. He released fistfuls of ashes, letting her become a part of the land she loved.

Cade Halostar expressed his gratitude to everyone for their presence.

Shyntylene Lauria watched the tarn ascend and commented, "Ubar of the skies, it's perfect for her." Tears still flowed down her cheeks as she moved back, seeking shelter for the night in Port Nykus. "I wish you all well."


You will be missed Lady Kat, thank you, for all you ever did, and for all the hearts you touched. Rest Peacefully, my favourite Physician...


Alongside the family and friends of Lady Katerina, we come together in mourning the profound loss of our beloved friend. Katerina graced this world with an abundance of goodness and radiant light, leaving an indelible mark on our lives. Her memory will forever be etched in our hearts, a beacon of warmth and kindness that will continue to guide us.

-editorial office of GGV


Meeting the Administrator of Graydon Falls

by Itah Sturdy

This has been a very busy, I had a few interviews planned, but I've not been able to get those done. Certainly, I will be honouring my word and interviewing those I have on my list, visiting cities to of course conduct random interviews as well. My journey this time took me to the beautiful city of Greydon Falls, yes, it certainly is a beautiful city, up near the Voltai mountains, near the forests of the North. What makes this city most promising to Gor, is that the city caters for both the Southern, and Northern cultures. Those of the Wagons are free to roam as they would amongst their own. Free Women freely displaying those beautiful nose rings that are apart of who we are. A city that does not dishonour those by making them comply to their rules and laws. A city that allows cultures to practice their cultures.

Please allow me to introduce to you, the Administrator of Graydon Falls, Moorlock Carnell.Sitting comfortably within his office, we began...

Me: Thank you. I've walked the city, it's rather beautiful, rustic almost.

Moorlock: Thank you, the builders and the citizens worked hard to make it as much a home as this world will allow. Graydon Falls was made to offer a home and a trade place for all cultures of Gor. Even our laws were designed to involve all.

I was handed a piece of parchment by the Administrator where I could read over the laws of the city. I must say they are very well written. One thing I would recommend is taking a look over the laws of Graydon Falls.

Me: They did a beautiful job. What originally brought you to Graydon Falls? Leaving your former home for this beauty, I can understand. It is rare to find such a place that allows for such cultural acceptance.

Moorlock: In fact it was the very thing you speak of. Having travelled yourself I am sure you have seen how much of Gor is divided... North and South especially. As you know Torvie and Tuchuk are often seen with hostility. I wanted a place where all are welcome.

At this point, we were both laughing, it was clear at our first meeting that I was not of the North, but I fit amongst the Wagons of the South.

Me: It can be quite hard trying to find a place to fit in. When I left the North, I pretended to be Northern, to find a place. Eventually I didn't care. Those of Torvaldsland are accepted more than those of the Wagons. You certainly made a place welcoming, and offering a feel for it as well. Did you come across any problems, building such a city? Hostility from the Southerners themselves?"

Moorlock: The Lady is very astute. We have found greater acceptance among the North, but those cities of the south are coming around. Our Ambassador has worked hard to forge a trade agreement with Thentis...since then others such as Brundi and Temos have approached. I have found coin can speak louder than a blade. Graydon Falls also is hosting regular events in a move to bring the people of different cultures and cities together.

At this point I was shown a trade agreement between that of Graydon Falls and Thentis. I have to say, that is a reassuring result. Brundisium and Temos following. What a marvellous result for the Gorean Merchant Alliance. When he speaks of their Ambassador, he speaks of Lady Sunny, a lady I had the pleasure of meeting and seeing work as an Assistant for an Ambassador of Port Nykus.

Me: A Tuchuk having to live in Turia for three years, needs to learn quickly. Thentis is hard to get a trade agreement with as well, I remember the struggles that went on in the days that Svago was an Island, before Thassa took her. Gorean Merchant Alliance struggled endlessly for a trade agreement. Gold is the language of many. Events are good to get people together. What sort of events are you hosting in the city?

Moorlock: Gold is a language known throughout Gor. On the docks of Graydon Falls one may as easily trade for honey from our own fields, to the furs of a panther, or the blades of our smith Svein, he and his son Scar are master smiths from Torvalsland. Events here are many, I am proud to say we recently completed a sword tournament where not one, but FOUR Ubars stood on the same sands together. Thentis, Vonda, Brundi and Klima. An event I have never seen before. We also host regular Rank of Caste to invite all who wish to play, if the Lady perchance plays our next tournament is in two hands. As well we host Vulo fights for those of a more gambling nature. And Broom fights that Masters may show the skill of their slaves.

Me: Svein, I know him, he's certainly a good metal worker. I liked his work on collars, they were very sturdy. I vaguely remember his son, Scar, he wasn't around all that often, his kajira was delightful. Four Ubars on the sand together, that is something, I have to admit. Last time I saw four Ubars together, it was at the last Love Wars that I celebrated. I do like to of course indulge myself in a game of Rank of Caste, it has been a while since I played. I hope to drop by and participate in the event. Do you happen to know what ahn the game starts? I might have to see if we can get Orial in the broom fight. Is there a certain product that your city offers? Something you specifically grow here for trade?

Moorlock: Yes Svein is indeed a great craftsman; we are proud to have him here and to offer his wares. His travels often take him away, at current he is in the North obtaining supplies as there was an unfortunate incident with his forge. Yes as a matter of fact our next Rank tournament is... The 24th of this month at 12:30, a bit more than two hands from today. We provide many things here, Thentis has been most interested in the honey Lady Sunny our Ambassador grows on her family farms, as well we have Verr milks and both Bosk and Ver meats.

I do certainly enjoy a good game of Rank of Caste, it is quite enjoyable, and it makes you sit, and think. They days when I remember that if the game money was real, I would have been the richest slave in Port Nykus... Before my owner would have taken the coin from me, of course. I am sitting here, laughing at the memory. sadly I was unable to make this event. I had an unfortunate event of slipping, falling into a pond and getting soaked, followed by a downpour of heavy rain... and so, I spent those few days in bed, quite unwell.

Me: Yes, he did often have to travel, but he certainly makes up for his absences when he comes home again. Perfect, I'm sure I'll be present and available for that. I'm sure Amir will give the go-ahead on that. There is certainly plenty for trade then. I may have to take some of that honey home with me, spoil the slaves and Amir a little. Ambassador quite suits Lady Sunny, she knows the job after having been Amir's assistant for a length of time. Graydon Falls, aside for the cultural acceptance, do you have any big plans for the city in her future, something you don't mind sharing?

Moorlock: Yes Lady Sunny has been a great asset to the city. In fact we hope to hold a special event soon, inviting the Gorean Dancers, as her partner has been a bit... remiss -coughs- and there are some vows to renew. As for special... One I would say is but in the starting stages. As you know the Merchant Alliance has been a central point binding cities together, at the height of the Great Southern Trade Alliance much was shared well between our cities. It is our hope these four trade agreements, along with the aid of the Two Scimitars, that we hope to host a meeting of Merchants and Ambassadors, to revive those days of trade.

There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, the strength of the Gorean Merchants Alliance will once again be stopping at your docks in order to begin to trade. Now is the time to begin making contact as well. Get ready to unite yourselves in trade.

Me: It would be nice to see it up and running, they really came to our aid when Svago fell and we pitched camp on land to begin building Port Nykus, all the cities in the alliance came forth to help out. It would be amazing to see it in full swing once again. I do wish you and Lady Sunny good luck with such a task. Perhaps you could use the Grape Vine to get word out there, not just through this interview, but an advert, calling for the cities. It's free advertising. I do wish you luck with all you have lined up for Graydon Falls, Administrator. I can see the city is going to flourish. I would like to thank you for your time as well. Be assured this will be in our next issue on the first of next month. I will end here, I will certainly look forward to returning for the tournament. It has been a pleasure to meet you. Now to partake in a little more sight seeing of the city, make a few drawings and purchase from the docks before I take my ship to Brundisium tomorrow.

Moorlock: And I thank you for taking the time to see our city. Please extend my thanks to Amir as well. And I hope to see you sitting on a cushion enjoying a good game of Rank, just hopefully not across the board from me. I bid you a safe journey and calm waters Lady; may Odin or the Priest Kings walk with you

What a lovely time I did have within Graydon Falls, I'm still saddened that I missed the tournament, of course there will be another. I should say, that pond was a river, one near where I live. I stopped off at Genesian Port to check on the Bosk before heading North. I never quite made it to Brundisium due to that little accident. I will get back there.


Who is Lady Black, part II

by Varnar the Trader

The path to greatness is a path you usually wander alone. 'Why is that?' some may wonder how life could turn and twist in many directions. When there is a goal, there are obstructions... there's always something. Never things you planned will follow as quickly as you may picture in your mind...

From the ice packs to the Plains, to the northern woods and becoming a High Commander of the Outlaws. The things she has seen, the loss suffered. Life and Death exist so narrowly on the same red line that it's scary and admirable simultaneously.

Years passed, and needles to say Black escaped the outlaw world almost unharmed. She was taken a few times and reran every time to the most unearthly scolding and hatred men could pronounce over their vocals. Black took a dive into the void and was never seen again. Under the name of Phasmatis, she ended up in Aghri, taking the position as a caste woman and honourably did banking. Our 'hero' paid weekly wagers to the people and had to fill her pouch a little more than her usual stake, but who would know? She put aside an excellent feasible amount honestly stolen from the bank and none that knew about it. To the dismay of the Home Stones crumbling, she was forced to move on after several years of playing to be a Banker.

She put aside the riches she had obtained through her banking work, hidden in a place she knew would be safe. She kept it there for years to come.

Her trek up and down over the lands... left to right, and then at the Northern hemisphere and still under the Caste System, she found Heimthorpe. It seemed to be a good enough place to settle for a while, and met a Tuchuk named Ituya Akichita, Head of Caste Physician in Heimthorpe. It was weird how well we could get along, and taken under his wing, she finally started the Apprenticeship physician she was so hungry to obtain and wow, what a time! She learned fast, took all in like a sponge, graduating not even a Gorean Year later and worked herself up to be Assistant Head of Caste under his capable position as Chief.

Phasmatis was being called Black, dressed in black, and since that day, her name Phasmatis wasn't something the people wouldn't remember. They automatically called her Lady Black for the apparent dress code she always wore... Slowly, it turned to this name change. Phasmatis withered away, so she adapted to the name Lady Black or Black for short, to people who knew her best.

Black was taken under Ituya's wings deeper, and family we became. She already wore the septum ring of the Plains when living among the Kassar. It appeared normal that she would be taken in as a Tuchuk. The Chief Physician of Heimthorpe is also the Ubar of the Tuchuk camp. He was head of his family before the city people took the flames to the campsite and killed most of the bosks, some people, and slaves. The Commander or Acting Commander of Heimthorpe took hatred to the plains for some reason and undisclosed as to 'WHY' it burned. Ituya was livid, took his revenge and then left. Black wanted to go with Ituya, but it was said it would be best to continue her adventure and be the Physician she has become. So she wandered as a travelling Physician to the places where she was needed.

It didn't take long for the people to notice her capable handy-work, and so she became a steady physician to many and travelled a lot to meet up. Some even travelled from far away only to be treated by Black. Trust and discrete healing was given.

After it had gotten dark, her eyes opened. But just a little, very little. It was as if she wanted to look while she was hidden behind her long eyelashes, at the flame of the tall candles that leaned over to keep watch on her and to observe the cleanness and transparency of the border of the eye that Death had not been able to cast a pall over. Respectfully dazzled, they leaned over, observing her and then demanding of her to treat the wounds of a dire man leaning more towards Death than life itself. Pulled from her bed and thrusts over to the man on a cleaned-out table 'she saw' it was a man clad in Black, an Assassin, a Killer of the Low Caste. They may think her to shiver and tremble knowing who and WHAT they were, but she didn't. Black awoke swiftly and started to command around the few on their feet for hot water. Clean cloth and tools she needed to work on the patient. The helmet she never took off the dying chap on the table. They wondered why "it is not my concern to know who he is unless his face or head is injured too, then I have no other choice. Since that is not the case, His identity isn't of my concern". The brethren of the Assassin patient were convinced she was a good woman to see more often, so it happened... Overnight!

As time passed, Assassins sought out her handy work and tested her ability to determine what she could do and what she would do. How she would protect her patients, and apparently, it became known of her discretion, the Patient/Physician Confidentiality. She fights to keep the patients safe and, if needed, 'incognito' for others not to discover who the Killer under the helmet is. She stole the patients from the Infirmary to nurse them back to health in a safe and undisclosed environment where one would find them. Her reputation proceeded her. Trust was built up, and she would keep doing so even if her life depended on it... She took an oath as a Physician to keep her patients safe no matter what.

And that is how she looked, emotionless, with light golden Heterochromia eyes that didn't show any remorse, remaining stoic and Highly Professional. In return, she learned a lot about the killers and their Caste. Speaking in the area she is in, their guards down, relaxed... Black seemed to be one of them by now, or so it felt like. Under the command to do exams, lads would do the training. Her Physician scrolls filled out and signed, handed over copies to their Master Assassin and then her own scrolls—that were always kept under lock and key—and she is wrapped in that Black satin robe that always made her look so graceful.

Despite being her, she can still feel emotion and remorse. Little by little, she starts reminiscing about her life; lastly, she contemplates her disastrous Companion Max being murdered by outlaws. The mood of her personal novel feels very intimate, and it is very emotional as well. A few killers were very good at capturing the state of mind and thoughts that a semi-deceased person might have; it feels so accurate and convincing. Now that her life as she knew it is over and nothing can be done or undone, the chances are over. The desire that remains cannot be fulfilled. It's fascinating to see where her thoughts turn to: to love, both the possibility of joy and the agonies of love, things that could have been done differently but are now too late. She didn't regret being cold to her Companion because her coldness distinguished his initial love for her. She regrets being left by Max, whom she came to love with all her youthful ardour and madness. Once more, Death is in her path, so it will always be the case, right?

[... to be continued ]


A Celebration of Gor

by Alone Shadow feat Secret Snooper

Hear ye, hear ye, brave Goreans

It's time to get together for a big Gorean party, with games, adventures and trophies to be won. So come and get ready. On the 13th - 15th days. A great event will take place, bringing together all people of good will.

The important thing is to have a great, festive weekend. This event will take place in severalcities simultaneously, with games taking place on several lands. For example, it will bepossible to hold an archery tournament in several cities, with the final table in another city.In the same vein, a race against time or a duel will be organized, with participants having to cross several lands with tests in the middle. For the moment, we have 4 cities lands, that seems sufficient.

At the end of the three days, there'll be a big party with prizes for the winners and a musicians caste dance party.

I should point out, however, that the number of places in each game will be limited. To ensure that everyone - players and organizers alike - have a good time, the games have to be fast-paced. So, depending on the game, a limited number of places will be defined. Registration will be open, and places in the games will be given to those who apply first. Only the quest will be open to everyone.

Games are as follows:

-- Inter Land Race

- 14th Day

- Starts in the morning, at the 8th ahn

- Ends in the evening at the 9th ahn

- No limit on competitors

-- The Swim Race

- 14th Day

- Starting time is yet to be decided

- End time is yet to be decided

- 10 competitors maximum

-- The Canoe Race

- 14th Day

- Start time is yet to be decided

- End time is yet to be decided

- 10 competitors maximum

-- Tharlarion Racing

- 14th Day

- Start time is yet to be decided

- End time is yet to be decided

- 6-8 competitors maximum

--The Quest

- 13th & 14th Days

- Spread over two days

- Starts at 11th ahn in the morning

- Ends at 10th ahn of the evening

- No limit on competitors

-- The Role Play Competition

- 15th Day

- Starts at the 9th ahn of that morning

- Goes on for 12 ahn

- 6 teams maximum

The concept of this game is as follows: Participants will be asked to create a roleplay, which will be presented in front of a jury. The subject will be drawn by an innocent hand and given to the team. And team will perform a roleplay related to the subject. The roleplay will be performed by a duo or trio. This roleplay will be judged by a panel of people. These people will give scores, from 0 to 4, on the following points - Introduction, Plot, Humor, Possibility of a sequel. A good RP will be funny, but realistic too The best note will give us the team winner.

- A fun game for fighters, though no prizes will be given at this game


This event is an every-one-for-themselves scenario, rather than a team-play scenario.

- Natural Combat

- Bow Tournament

- Melee Tournament

What an exciting few days to get involved in for those around Gor. I admit, I'm looking forward to a number of these competitions. I will be dropping by in order to see how things are going. There is plenty of information, please feel free to reach out to the editor of Grape Vine, Itah Sturdy, for more information. She has a parchment longer than her arm.


The Perils of Men without Honour

by Zoye Tenacious

I often wonder, when met with men who clearly were not raised to respect their castes or the structure of society, what exactly happened to them as children. Were they lacking mothers or attentive care? Are they outlaws pretending to be men of caste? Perhaps simply, they are just bumbling idiots. I think the problem, when combined with a lack of structure and clear command, is a recipe for disaster. How I and many of my peers long for the presence of a city where those who are unable to perform their duties with skill and efficiency are summarily stripped of such and outlawed!

How can a Lady feel safe to stay at a city Inn when its proprietor throws residents in jail simply for sitting in their designated caste area, doing their work? How can a companion or guardian stand in silence when a warrior barks to a woman that if she doesn't shut her hole, she will get the hose, whatever that means, after she's been tossed in a jail cell for asking a question of the man? How many more mothers and daughters, bakers, scribes, productive members must be treated by brute force before intentional change is made?

It is odd, I believe when a Lady would prefer to take her chances amongst outlaws in the woods than the promised safety of the strong walls of a city. What good are her gates, her laws and her stone if, at her core, she is rotten? What good are monetary damages in place of action by those with the hand of power? It is with solemn prayer and will be with several temple visits that one might hope the city itself can overcome from such a rocky beginning since opening its gates to the general public. Perhaps those with the ultimate power will demonstrate their dissatisfaction, much to the demise of all. May we be helped as a people to do better, hold another in honour and, above all, basic respect. May the absolute rugged beauty of the city be noted continent-wide instead of rumours and ill-treatment. May the slave girls be well and not a forgotten consequence to the decisions of the free.


A Toast to Trygg Tyrian

Ambassador of the Oasis of Two Scimitars

By Bard of the Oasis

In lands of lore, where banners fly,

There lived a soul beneath the sky.

Trygg Tyrian, with noble heart,

A steadfast ambassador, played his part.

He wore a robe of Tyrian blue,

A symbol of the peace he'd pursue.

With blackest hair and eyes so wise,

He gazed upon the world's sunrise.

In courts of Ubars and halls of might,

Trygg Tyrian strove to end the fight.

He carried words like treasures rare,

Diplomacy his sword and shield, to bear.

With eloquence, he spoke his mind,

A bridge between all humankind.

His words, like rivers, flowed so free,

Uniting hearts, forging unity.

In lands of tension, strife, and hate,

Trygg Tyran dared to mediate.

He whispered peace where anger reigned,

His gentle touch, the warring hearts restrained.

Through torvie seas and tahiri wide,

He traveled far, with courage as his guide.

Ambassador of hope and grace,

He sought to find a better place.

Trygg Tyran, with wisdom's hand,

Brought foes together, made them understand,

That in this world, so vast and grand,

Peace and love must ever stand.

So raise a toast to Trygg Tyran's name,

A man who played the noblest game.

An ambassador, true and bright,

Who sought to turn the darkest night.


Medical Advice From An Outspoken Physician

- Dear Ian,

A been flew down my throat while I was riding my Kaiila and I think I am having an allergic reaction to it. It hurts really bad to urinate. What should I do?


Dear Urine Trouble,

I have never heard of such an allergy. But what I would do just in case is to drink a large bowl of paga to drown the bee. That should take care of the problem... and maybe lay of the Kanda for a hand or two.

Physician Ian


- Dear physician Ian,

I am new to farming and came from the city I recently got a boak and I think it is sick... the milk it produces milk from its single tit that is sometimes white and slimy and sometimes it have a yellow tint to it. I have to throw it out it smells bad. What do you think is wrong with my bosk.

New peasant folk

Dear Owner of Happy Bosk,

From what you are telling me your Bosk is healthy and normal... chances are HE is the happiest bosk in town. Either you are blind as a vart and need glasses or not the sharpest sword in the rack... try tugging on your penis and see what happens. Or hire a coin slave to give you a happy ending,



Ian is a highly educated physician of the green caste who resides at the Oasis of Two Scimitars. If you have a medical question, drop them to the mail boxes of Gorean Grape Vine and he will gladly answer.


Gossip Wine "Oh, my dears, have you heard the scandalous whispers swirling around Gor?"

Oh, my dear gossip enthusiasts, a juicy tidbit has just flown in on the breeze! It seems Tarn Ridge is on the hunt for a vintner, and they want one pronto! Perhaps they're in desperate need of some fine wines to keep their spirits high, or maybe it's the promise of a bountiful grape harvest that has them in such a hurry. Whatever the reason, one can't help but wonder what delightful libations might soon grace the tables of Tarn Ridge. Cheers to the lucky vintner who gets to fill this position in such a hurry!

Oh, my curious friends, have you heard the latest buzz echoing through the enchanting realm of Genesia? It seems that a new Ahn for the Builders Caste has emerged, sparking all sorts of intriguing speculations. Could this herald the long-awaited construction of that mysterious outpost at the end of the road? And, brace yourselves, for the most shocking twist of all – rumor has it that the Ubar himself might be stepping into the role of commander! Can you imagine the forest dwellers' dismay at such a prospect? As for the outpost's purpose, well, there are whispers of bosk droppings near the inn, leading to some area trampling and "improvements." One man seems to think the harbor Master's office is blocking the view of the inn – could these be connected? Ah, the mysteries of Genesia unfold like a thrilling scroll, my dear gossip mongers!

Oh, my inquisitive friends, let me regale you with the latest enigma swirling through the captivating town of Graydon Falls. It appears that the slaves, those once-mysterious denizens of servitude, are being diligently trained to aid the infirmaries. But what does this curious development truly signify? Could it be that Graydon Falls, in its quiet serenity, is secretly preparing to defend its storied walls? The question that leaves tongues wagging like the wind is this: who, oh who, might be sailing toward their tranquil shores with the drums of war echoing in their wake? The mysteries of Graydon Falls deepen, dear gossip aficionados, and the whispers of impending conflict add yet another layer to this captivating tale.






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