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Gσɾҽαɳ Gɾαρҽ Vιɳҽ - Volume #7

Itah Sturdy

Published: 1st November 2023

"Did you hear what's being said on the Grape Vine of late!"

Monthly independent publication with content from all around Gor.

Publisher: Amir Boa Nasrallah (ascendedyetagain)

Editor: Itahshy Sturdy (shyntylene.lauria)


Dear Reader,

This month has been a time for creativity. We're happy and thankful for your contributions, especially the many poems and stories. Some stories are coming to an end, while new ones are starting. This month, we welcomed people from the Lost City and the distant Tahari region to join our community.

However, we have some sad news to share too. There have been devastating storms in Brundisium, and we suspect Port Nykus may have also been affected. Our correspondent reports that there's snow falling in the northern parts of Gor, while the sandy areas down south are struggling with a lack of water.

But don't worry, dear reader. We'll be here with you throughout the cold season. Please continue to write and send us your creative works!

Kiosk's currently located in the following locations:

Genesian Port

Gimli Village

Graydon Falls

HeimFjord village

Laurius Exchange Point

Oasis of Two Scimitars

Oasis of Sahkar


Tarn Ridge



The Lost City


More to be added soon!!

For alternative reading visit:


Your grapes.



1. Alone Shadow, "The Story with Quests", Chapter I "Become the Chosen"

2. Zephia Lobo Tolnus, "Larl on a Prowl"

3. Itah Sturdy, "Disaster Strikes Venna"

4. Talena Emmons Tolnus, "Winter in HeimFjord"

5. Leona Wodhas, "A tale" Part I

6. Meialura, "Paradox"

7. Varnar the Trader, "Who is Lady Black" Part III

8. Yew de Belge, "Free woman and Jarl"

9. Annie's Mail Box - Your questions posted here!

10. Lobo Tolnus, "Free woman and thrall"

11. Making the Labels - Your advertisements!!!

12. Gossip Wine - Fresh from every field of Gor


The Story with Quests

by Alone Shadow

Chapter I

Become the Chosen

If I had been told that Gor would become a world of peace, I would never have believed it. Besides, I should never have believed it. For if peace has warmed the heart of the Goreans, the terrible winters which have succeeded each other have been right of this weak heat and therefore, of this apparent truce.

Crops are becoming scarce, animals are killing each other to eat better. Gor is hungry. Gor is dying of its sufficiency. This is what a high priest said, haranguing the crowds that passed before him, in this case, me. He was staring at me, trying to pierce my soul through his eyes before he wanted to sink his words into it, then he resumed his diatribe, his voice always stronger, like the long howling of a wolf come to imbue the terror, his terror in the minds of humans.

Already, all the ingredients were present and I really should have known that the world would switch, again, into violence. Famine, religion, despair, hatred: all those little sparks that will plunge Gor into violence. And I stayed there, listening to this priest, unable to move, hypnotized by his words. And he relaunched his imprecations, becoming more and more proud of finally having a listening ear. But at one point, he stopped his speech to focus better on me.

- You ... Hey you! You listen to me, but what can you do, or what do you want to do for our world? Do you want to stay in your corner, and see the Gods having fun with us? Or do you want to show the Gods that we can bring them our knowledge and finally stop the horror that looms. Because, this is our future. We have exhausted the reserves offered by the Gods. We must now make sacrifices to make us forgive.

He sighs and makes a sign to me. I take a few steps in his direction, always on the guard. He smiles and whispers:

- I am against sacrifices and bloodshed. I never liked that. Do not be suspicious, my child! I do not want you any harm.

I agree, always careful. He smiles again and stares at me.

- There is a solution to avoid further carnage ... but will you be the one who will allow the return of peace in Gor. I speak of a great peace. There will always be some rapine and death. Such is the human being. But Peace, the one we all hope. Do you feel able to give it to us?

I shake my head

- I do not know, I'm a humble living in the woods, hunting to feed me. I am nothing. I am not like you, I have neither knowledge nor power.

He nods and stares into my eyes.

- You are not much, but with little, we build cities. You will become my legs and my hands and you will go get me some objects. These objects will be the basis for a great incantation in honour of the Gods. Become my spear that will fight in honour of the Gods and we can save our world.

He stares at me and gives me a parchment.

- This is the first object to find. But it's not so simple. All objects are located in secret places, distributed in our world and objects are defined by riddles. You will have to solve these puzzles by finding the places and the objects.

I take a few steps, and I open the parchment. This one is covered with writings. I shake my head and turn to the priest. I tell him,

- I do not know how to read.

He looks at me with a smile and tells me the first riddle. I suspect him of knowing all the parchment by heart.

- The large blue ribbon, separating the north from the wilderness, will bring you to find an almost uninhabited island. This island is located on one of the minor rivers of the big ribbon. It is south of the northern countries. A tribe of Panthers and a village are the only residents of this territory. And on this island, you will have to find this object defined by the following riddle:

- When you offer the Gods your ultimate smile, you will leave on the ground, a cage devoid of flesh and blood, a cage that will no longer shelter your heart. This cage, made of wood, will be exhibited by your enemies yesterday, in the sight of all, before becoming the dust that is forgotten. This is the cage you have to find and bring me back on your back.

The priest closes his eyes and makes a gesture that tells me that I must now go. I pick up my backpack and bow, heading south.


Larl on a Prowl (Poetry Contest in HeimFjord)

by Zephia Lobo Tolnus

There once was a Larl on the prowl,

Who stumbled upon a free woman and growled.

With a fright she fainted dainty like.

A bond was skipping and singing in delight,

When she happened to come across the sight.


She screamed on a winters night.

In a distance the bond and saw a figure,


Her lips soon quivered.

It was not a Jarl,

But a Thrall named Trigger.

Out came the larl,

Showing it's teeth with a growl.

Trigger got Triggered and beat the Larl,

Finally out came the Jarl.

The Larl ran off,

And the bond praised the Jarl.

Trigger sighed with a frowned.

In the distance, a free woman stood witness.

TRIGGER! TRIGGER! She said with Vigor.

You Saved me from the Larl on the prowl,

Thank you! I am so proud!

Trigger never figured he would get recognition,

Not for a man in his position.

And for once Trigger was no longer Triggered,

And smiled in delight at his new Mistress.


Disaster Strikes Venna

by Itah Sturdy

I recently took a trip to Venna to see what is happening there, it is one city we never seem to hear from through the months, no stories comes from there, no poems or advertisements. It was time to go and see what was happening, and of course take a chance to try and meet up with an old friend, though the latter was a failure.

I arrived in Venna, Stig was with me of course, I booked into the same place to stay as I have on previous visits. Apparently there's a change of ownership, but we will come to that soon enough. I got to my room, had a nice bath, something to eat before heading out in the city to see what awaits. I left a message for my friend and her shop, continued to walk around some more and simply enjoy the city for a few days, seeking out that story.

For the amount of people who live in Venna, it is hard to actually see many about, it seems that one quite enjoys the comfort of their own home, it certainly was quiet as I roamed around. Eventually, I found the odd one or two to speak too, until they had to return home with their daily shopping. Even small short conversations help the day pass.

Then I felt the first tremor while I was out gathering gifts for those at home, that was a strange sensation, standing in the back of a Wagon with charging bosk is easier to do than when the ground is shaking beneath you. Some people were un-bothered by it, so Stig and I tried to ignore it. That's when the buildings began to collapse. I couldn't believe it at first, the ground shaking, the columns falling, windows and doors shaking out their framework. It was a sight to see, and perhaps one I shouldn't have stopped to watch either. I did. I also remember very little after that moment.

When I finally came round, I was cut, bruised, parts of my dress were torn, I was feeling a little dishevelled. I managed to get dressed and throw my things into my travel pack. Before I could even begin to sort myself out, to figure things out, the supposed owner of the hotel burst into my room and began kicking me out. Not a care for the distressed state I was in, all she cared for was her money and kicking me out. I can certainly say I will never step foot in that building again. For anyone travelling to Venna, the Tharlarion Inn is certainly the best place and far more friendly, they care more for their visitors, and treat them with respect. Five star rating to the Tharlarion Inn, and none awarded to the other venue.

Finally I managed to get myself to the Infirmary, it took a bit too remember where it was, I was certainly not in the right state in which to be finding it, and I had no idea where Stig was at this time. I did of course find the Infirmary, and after a ahn or two of waiting, and dozing off, I was seen too by a lovely Physician named Arya who took quite good care of me. All my cuts were cleaned, salve on my cuts and bruises, bandages wrapped about, my ribs supported. I got to rest and make my notes ready to write this article.

Twenty hours of keeping ones self awake is quite hard when you're taking pain medicine and simply exhausted. Lots of reading in the infirmary kept me going in order to bypass any concussion.

Without too much delay, Stig found me and we decided it was best if we leave Venna, it certainly wasn't a safe place to be, not for anyone, I do not understand why the city hasn't been evacuated to safer grounds, surely it would be the wise thing to do under the circumstances.

For all who are currently travelling, I would advise keeping a distance from Venna until the tremors stop. If you really have to stop there, then stay at the Tharlarion Inn, it is the only place to be in Venna. Physicians out there up for some danger in their life, since Venna is not evacuating its citizens, they may need some extra help in time to come.

Thank you, to the kind soul who took me to the room I woke up in. I do not know who you are, but I thank you.


Winter in HeimFjord (Poetry Contest in HeimFjord)

by Talena Emmons Tolnus

Winter comes chill as Loki’s breath

Bringing piled snow and freezing wind.

But in the warmth of Laughing Larl,

HeimFjord companionship can find.

All those who come to join in peace,

Free woman, Jarl, both bond and thrall

Can come to rest, for food and drink

And warmth within these wooden walls.


A tale, Part I

by Leona Wodhas

Once upon a time,

A plump and fat person,

Foolish and ruthless,

Malodorous and dirty.

He came to a wild country,

Ready to fight, ready to kill,

Sporting thoughts of hate,

Brandishing his sword,

To better overcome,

Whoever would be on his way.

This country offered life,

Sheltered the youth,

And it was called the island: The island of Sin.

Our brigand had come to impose his dictate.

He only wanted war.

He wanted only malevolence.

And when he met,

A woman dressed in a loincloth

A woman in flamboyant attire,

A woman who presented a bow and arrows,

The man thought, wrongly, to win again.

He only looked at the woman in front of him.

He does not see the other women behind him.

He only felt the arrows, piercing him.

And when the last arrow took his life,

He could never have believed,

That He, so plump, so potty,

Would become a pile of bones,

Exposed to the sight of all,

Below the warrior camp

Who had just knocked him down.


Paradox (Poetry Contest in HeimFjord)

by Meialura

Fall back in wonder at the HeimFjord Jarl

A man as wild as a Winter storm

As fierce as a rampaging Larl.

Beast or bond, thief or thrall, fall before him weak with fright.

But his Free Woman companion braves him, fearless, in the night.


Who is Lady Black, Part III

by Varnar the Trader

Now that it was spring, I hung my hammock between two Tem trees. I lay there for ahn upon ahn. I did not know why the landscape, and the things around me, all gave me so much pleasure, the enjoyment of feeling peaceful with the rising, and falling dark mass of the forest, quietly rising above the horizon like a monstrous wave about to rush forward, the flight of the birds whose coming and going, made moving shadows on the book over my knees; the intermittent song of the sawmill—that sharp note, sharp and sweet like the buzzing of a beehive—that filled the air all the way to the houses while the afternoon was very translucent.That is the way I was living, greedy for fragrances, colors, for flavors. Learning everything the mainland had to offer, the ice packs of the Worlds End never left her heart and soul, it would always be her home no matter what, but how could she deny such beauty, things her eyes never had seen other than patches of moss, grass, and rivers in the summer solstice of Gor. On the mainland there's so much more, the radiance of the meadows, the rich colouring, the scents. The horizon filled with joy however far the eye could see..

Then that wind! The wind felt like a tornado from the moment the killer patient had the need to survive, and she was torn from her bed to do as she did, A physician's work. The plaits of my hair were torn apart and began to curl around my neck. I had suddenly been swallowed up by the darkness and the silence, the eternal darkness and silence of the forest... A forest that she was in love with is now a lifeless scape that is called life. Death and the plastery void that never could be reformed to its old glory itself, never the life she once learned to be radiant could be the same, and suddenly feel that she is now without even a single wrinkle, more pale, and beautiful than ever. The dark complexion even if pale was a color that suited her perfectly. She was torn and remodeled to a life that wasn't hers but became hers as the new life began to settle. The life of mystery, the life of secrecy, the life of death and crimson, the life of choice-making that could mean death for her own. Of course, I wasn't ready to die all over again, this 'one-time death' was enough to live a life in the shadows, the life of darkness, the demons that consumed her, the devil that took her, a death that was denied, several times.. taken, broken, revived and remodeled for so long that I had no tale to tell any more.. Lies, deceit, chaos, .. All of that was the new path she walked, the path she's still walking. A red thin line never snapped, the strain however tightly under my feet remained sturdy, because I needed to make sure that this red line remained balanced and unbroken.

The sound of rain on the trees and the house soon causes her to surrender herself, body and soul, to that feeling of well-being and melancholy into which the sound of rain always filled her on those long autumn nights. To me, the Gods seemed so distant, and so severe that surrendering the path I had bestowed upon me, was an invitation I wasn't allowed to deny. It changes people, it changed me, for the better. One could say Yes or No, and a life of loneliness was a certain answer to the ongoing questions 'Where is your companion, have I ever seen him, where did he go'? Now the cloak I wear with some similarities to that of skulls is the talk of the town. 'that her companion she wearing?'. So why would I speak, why would I let the talk of people who made up their minds I'm evil and deadly? The fear instilled in them that feel insecure, fear is crossing the minds of people who have no clue of who I am, fear is believing the self-inflicted stories that go through the streets for aeons. I sure feel old at times, but not aeons. Hundreds of years the tales go around, a simple 'The serum has taken well' echoed in the halls of the infirmary, and a week later it was 'the serum she had injected the poor soul with, ate nearly all the insides and died in agony, she's experimenting on them, careful, dont fall into her trap'. Tidbits that came to my ears taught me that the talks worsen the social state of my name... the lady Black, Black as void could be. She's working for them' came to my ears, 'those who only embrace death'. The rumors lock tide, and honestly, I am only a Physician who helps people wherever I can... Do you believe any of those rumors? Why should you, are these rumors truth or lies, or maybe partially? Did you ever question yourself or the tales were accurate? I know... why would you care to know the truth if 200 people say the same thing, so it has to be true, right? Keep in mind people that tales and rumors are only that,.. facts need to be proven. My life in the darkness is a life that opens doors, and opportunities, a life where death has no grasp, not in the way you may think.

"With this all said, I thank you for listening to my story and who knows we may meet in the dark alley in the pitch of the night. I cannot guarantee you I won't have my dagger on the ready, I cannot promise you I wouldn't slit your throat either. What I can promise you is, that I will be there to face you in whatever endeavour you need me for. Business or pleasure, or maybe both. One thing I can tell you for certain, I truly love my coin and have added more of it on a daily basis. Do You need something done in a Professional way? You may learn where I live and I give you a hint.. it allows free women to fuck like leem for only a silver.. See you on the dark side! - Black"


Free woman and Jarl (Poetry Contest in HeimFjord)

by Yew de Belge

In the heart of winter, so cold and bare,

A free woman's spirit, fierce as the northern air,

Beneath the rule of a Jarl so grand,

In a world of bonds, they'd make their stand.

A laughing larl with a spirit so free,

The thrall, the cage, they yearned to flee,

Their love, a flame that defied the chill,

In the midst of winter, they found their will.

The free woman's laughter, a joyful sound,

In the face of adversity, they stood unwound,

Jarl and thrall, tradition's grip no more,

Love's bond was what they both implored.

In the winter's embrace, they faced the strife,

With courage, love, and a brand-new life,

For in their hearts, they broke each thrall,

The free woman and Jarl, they conquered all.


Annie's Mail Box - Your questions posted here!

Dear Annie,

I'm finding myself drawn to the concept of men, real men who have honour and codes and care for their property but put their needs and that of their household above all others. Unfortunately when I meet this kind of man often, he is flat broke. In my mind I think he means well and I love him madly for his sentiment and outlook on life. But when I hear he is broke before I meet him and I am automatically not attracted to his soul, am I terrible?

- Awfully confused!

Dear Confused,

Ask your Father or Eldest Brother to coach and advise you in this circumstance Miss Confused. They have your best interests at heart and will make everything alright for you in more time then you'd think!




Annie will you help the Centre For New Mothers settle a debate?

We are a large group of mothers, continent wide that meet in cities for monthly teas. This will go in our annual publication. Is it proper for the newly companioned free woman to measure her companion's penis and compare it with a former companion's? Also if you could clear up whether or not being constantly pregnant is a loving companion or a cruel one we would love your input as well!

- Thank you from the Center For New Mothers (CFNM) society

I see what you did there.

Yes and yes.

- Annie


Dear Annie,

The woman I am courting says I am too large and complains about my needs, but has an unnatural interest in spending time with kaiila and people named Bjorn.

Please help

- signed, Boris


Do not write to me again. Do yourself, your companion and anyone named Bjorn you know a favor. Get on a ship and sail far, far away.

(neglected signature)


Free woman and thrall (Poetry Contest in HeimFjord)

by Lobo Tolnus

In the realms of ice and snow, in the heart of winter's chill,

Stood a Jarl of ancient might, his voice a thunderous trill.

His eyes surveyed the endless land, where Larl roamed free and bold,

Where the winds whispered secrets and tales of warriors of old.

Amidst the tundra's silent dance, a free woman's spirit soared,

Her laughter echoing through the frost, her courage never ignored.

She defied the bonds that sought to hold, in a world where chains were rife,

For her dreams soared high beyond the cold, longing for a sunlit life.

Yet beneath the Jarl's mighty reign, the thrall's toil did not cease,

Bound by fate and heavy chains, their struggles found no release.

Their weary souls yearned for the thaw, for a dawn of liberty,

To break the shackles of their plight, to claim their destiny.

In the tapestry of snow and strife, where bonds and freedom warred,

Hope flickered like a northern light, in the shadows it soared.

For even in the darkest night, a glimpse of spring takes form,

And the spirit of the free woman and thrall, defied the winter storm.


Making the Labels - Your advertisements!!!

🚫WARNING: Grapevine Gorean Admins Would Like You to Know...

Attention fellow Goreans! Before you get all serious and believe everything you read below, just remember, the administration of the Gorean Grape Vine cannot be held responsible for the credibility of the ads posted. Trust at your own risk! Rumor has it, there might be some Panthans selling tarn saddles that double as teleportation devices! 🤷‍♂️🍇 #GoreanGrapevineCaveat


🌟 Ready to embark on an incredible journey as an Initiate? It all starts with shedding your old self – elegantly dressed no more, it's time for the pure white robes. Material possessions? Who needs 'em! And yes, the blue flames in your eyes – that's just a bonus. Head over to the Oasis of Two Scimitars for the Initiate class and be prepared to be amazed. The transformation is real, and it's your chance to unlock your hidden potential! 🔥🌌 #BecomeAnInitiate


Gossip Wine "Oh, my dears, have you heard the scandalous whispers swirling around Gor?"

- Rumors ripple through the land, carried by whispers and murmurs from Brundisium's Ubar himself. It is said that he stood before a gathering of Genesians and spoke somberly of the devastation that has befallen their city due to relentless storms. Many, he claimed, had fled to other regions in search of refuge. To secure a sanctuary, he even hinted at a willingness to offer some of his companions' slaves as payment, if not for his fear of a treacherous demise in his sleep. Intriguingly, the rumors continue as travelers approach the trade outpost nestled deep within the eerie swamplands. There, they have encountered a perplexing sight – the road, once a lifeline connecting Brundisium to the outside world, now comes to an abrupt end at the water's edge. Beyond the road's termination, a vast expanse of water stretches endlessly, with only the shores of Sais visible on the distant horizon. The mystery surrounding Brundisium's plight deepens, leaving those who hear these whispers to wonder about the true fate of the city and its desperate Ubar.

- In the alluring village of Gimli, a whispered rumor circulates among its inhabitants. The long-standing Tatrix of Gimli, who has held power for an eternity, has gracefully passed her mantle to Sora Alonzo. As the new Tatrix, Sora's allure and mystique rival the most enchanting heroines in Gor's narrative tapestry. Yet, this power shift isn't a simple overthrow; the former Tatrix now serves Gimli as the village's formidable Captain of the Guards, adding an intriguing layer of complexity to this world of pleasure and authority. The streets hum with anticipation, as the village holds its breath, wondering if Sora Alonzo will be a wise and just leader or if her reign will unfurl a new chapter of desire, secrets, and intrigue in this seductive village.

- Rumors are afoot along the shores of Genesia and its neighboring islands, tales of relentless storms that have ruthlessly battered the beloved ferry, once a source of joy for explorers visiting the Genesian port. But, like a beacon in the tempest, whispers carried by the wind bring tidings of hope - dedicated builders labor tirelessly to mend the boat's ravaged hull. If you find yourself stranded in Brundisium, intrepid traveler, take solace in the promise of the ferry's revival. Amidst the tempest's turmoil, a silver lining emerges for those with time and coin to spare. A new seamstress shop has blossomed in Genesian port, offering respite from the storm's fury. Whether you seek to mend your weather-worn attire or simply seek a reprieve, this establishment is rumored to provide both solace and the opportunity to part with your coin in exchange for exquisite craftsmanship.






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